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I don't know where Henry found this guy, but he's turning out to be very useful and fully decked out for a situation like this. 

He just calls it an opportunity to test out his tools. 

When Ammon said we'd take his van I was imagining a minivan. Then we followed him out to a lifted white cargo van with blacked out windows. 

My jaw dropped when he opened the sliding door. Behind the front seats is a computer set up. Nothing as extravagant as his apartment but it still looks like it's out of some movie. 

The back section of the van has cages on either side and the inside of those cages are filled with machine guns, sniper rifles and handguns. I'm pretty sure I saw a grenade launcher in the mix as well. 

"How did you get all this stuff?" Bella asks with wide eyes. I wanted to ask the same thing, but Ammon just tells us guys to shut up every time we talk.

 If Bella asks he'll answer her in a heartbeat though.

 Ace has been on the verge of losing his shit this whole time, but he's trying to keep it together for Rose's sake. If I wasn't busy loading guns and getting ready to do whatever it takes to get my girl back I'd be silently making fun of his jealousy. 

"Being dead in the eyes of the law makes it easy to get my hands on things." He shrugs. 

"Take a right." He orders Henry.

 Ammon assigned Henry to drive, me to load guns and Ace to get the night vision ready. He also told Bella to stay back at the apartment, but she sat herself in the passenger seat buckled up and refused to move. 

"The house is on the next street." Henry points to the GPS. 

"Amateur." Ammon scoffs. "We need to cut their power before we go in. And unless you want to risk the damsel being killed before we can even get to her, we need to be stealthy. Avoid open fire at all costs until she's back in this van." Henry swerves right just barely missing a tree.

 "Fucking hell, watch it!" Both Ace and Ammon yell at the same time. 

All three of them give each other a quick glare before returning to the task at hand. 

"Stop at the electrical post up there. Ace, hand me the black case to your left." Ace hands Ammon the case as Henry slams on the breaks.

 "Who taught you how to drive?!" Ammon yells.

 "Give me a break, I learned last month!" 

"What the fuck? Get out of the driver's seat. I forgot you are still a fetus." 

"I'm almost an adult!" 

"Well I'd like an actual adult to drive." Ammon pushes the sliding door open and steps outside, he places the case on the floor of the van and opens it. 

"Is that a drone?" Bella peeks over the passenger seat. 

"It sure is. This one is equipped with a built-in self destruct." He grins down at the drone. 

"And what exactly are we doing with it?" I thought we were supposed to be stealthy, not attack with drones. 

"See that box up there?" He points to the pole. 

"The transformer? Oh, your a fucking genius." I hate to say it but I'm really starting to like this guy. 

"About time you realize that. We blow the transformer and everyone's power in the area will go down. They'd get suspicious if it was just their power we cut." Ammon powers on the drones and quickly lands it on top of the box.

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