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"Are you feeling calm and reasonable?" Ace asks. 

I drop the dumbbell after finishing my set and look up at him wondering why he's being so weird all of a sudden. "I guess?" 

"Ok, good. Because Henry and your girl look like they are getting to know each other." He nods in the direction that Rose took off to earlier.

 "What?" I whip my head around to see Rose smiling and laughing with Henry. 

Henry never interacts with anyone unless he has to and Rose stays away from anyone but us in the gym. So seeing them together, laughing confuses the hell out of me. 

Rose laughs hard at something he says then Henry reaches forward and wraps his arms around her. 

"Oh fuck no." He may only be sixteen and too young for her, but that doesn't mean jack shit to most guys. And Rose looks young for her age anyway, so he might not even know that they have a five year age gap. 

"Remember, calm and reasonable." Ace murmurs behind me as I take off towards Rose. 

Henry's eyes meet mine first, the big grin on his face fades as he realizes my eyes are shifting between him and Rose. 

What enrages me the most is that instead of stepping away from Rose he pushes her behind him like he's protecting her from me. 

Just as I'm about to reach out and rip him away from her, Rose pops her head around with her brows furrowed in confusion. Then her eyes light up when she sees it's me. 

"Blake! This is Henry!" She points at him excitingly, like that's supposed to mean something to me.

 "You know him?" He asks Rose and she nods her head yes.

"He's my boyfriend I told you about." Now I'm super confused, they aren't acting like they just met at a gym. 

They seem like old friends and that's never been a good thing when it comes to Rose. But she doesn't seem to be uncomfortable around him in the slightest. 

"We've met." I cut in. I reach my hand out for her, she takes it without hesitation, so I pull her towards me gently. 

Henry watches, he's skeptical but doesn't say anything about it. 

"You have?" She gasps, her body turns to me as she looks up at me with those wide eyes that make me want to give her the world. 

Then something clicks in her adorable little head, and a panicked gasp comes out of her mouth. "Oh my gosh! You don't fight too, do you? You shouldn't be doing that you could get really hurt! Please don't tell me you've fought each other."

 Rose pulls away from me and grabs onto Henry's shoulders and waits for a reply, but not before shooting a glare over her shoulder at me. 

What the fuck did I do? And why the hell is she so concerned about him getting hurt? And why the fuck is she touching him? And why in the fucking world is he letting her grab him like a worried mother?

God, I need to get it together. I can't be freaking out every time Rose is friendly with someone that I don't know. 

"Deep breaths." Ace mumbles from behind me. 

I thought he was talking to me, then I glance to the side and see he's looking at Henry like he's an ant that needs to be squashed. 

Henry laughs, entirely ignoring that her boyfriend and honorary bodyguard are trying to contain their pending wrath just feet away from him. 

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