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"Hands down!" His voice is loud as it booms across the room.

My heart rate quickens as my hand hovers just inches away from what I'm reaching for. I should turn back now, I've already been caught.

But I must finish what I came here to do.

My fingers inch closer to the item and as soon as I have it in my grasp I'm turning and running as fast as my legs will carry me.

"Rose!" The voice yells behind me. He expects me to listen, but I continue to run, lungs pumping air harshly as each foot hits the floor faster than before.

Once I make it to the bathroom I can't waste a second. I quickly shut the door and lock it behind me. My hands hold the knob as I try to catch my breath. I can't believe I out ran him.

Less than a second later the frame shakes as he pounds on the door.

My hand glides across the wall until I find the light switch then I flick it on. I slowly bring the item I just risked my life for up to the light to get a good look at it.

I stare for a few seconds, bewildered as the light behind me makes the picture look like it's shining.

Then I burst out laughing, I'm on my knees instantly gasping for breath.

"You agreed to burn that picture, Rose!" Blake growls from outside the bathroom door.

I ignore him and focus on the picture in my hand. I know he's going to rip it up as soon as he gets in here so I have to burn it into my memory.

Ace gave it to me as a present yesterday. He took it when Blake passed out on the couch after a particularly hard training day at the gym.

He was in the middle of eating French fries when he just couldn't fight it anymore and he fell asleep. He has ketchup smeared down this white tank top and a half eaten fry falling out of his wide open mouth as he snores.

It's the best present I've gotten in a long time and Blake only wants to destroy it.

"But I love it!" I yell back as Blake continues to try to get me to open the door.

"What is there to love about that ugly ass picture of me?" He groans.

"You." I simply say back.

Although this picture is hilarious, I love it because it's the first real printed picture I've ever gotten of just him. Other than the millions of horrible quality ones they printed at home for that prank last year.

"What did you say?" He says in a whisper just loud enough for me to hear.

"I said, I love you." I whisper back.

"I need you to step out here and say that to my face please." He demands, but I can hear the smile on his face.

I know it could be a trap, but I just want to see his smile so badly that I unlock the door and pull it open.

Blake's hands instantly reach inside and grip me by the waist and pull me close to him. "Again, please." He says, smile gone as he watches my lips, waiting for the words to come out.

"I love you." I whisper once more. I feel my toes curl at the words, I never knew that telling someone you love them, would be just as nice as hearing someone say that they love you.

"I'm the luckiest man alive." Is his cheesy response.

He spins around and presses my back against the wall as he leans in close. "I love you. More than I'll ever be able to explain." He whispers in my ear, causing tingles to shoot down my neck.

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