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It's been hours, every single spectator has left the pit leaving just us, Dean, Cash, a few security guards, and the people locked behind the door I haven't taken my eyes off.

Blake hasn't said a word the last hour, his hand grips mine so firmly I've lost feeling to my finger. I can't imagine how he feels right now.

"Dean's on his way to talk to you." Cash says from down the hallway. We haven't heard if the other guy is alive or not. Ace smashed his face into the ground so hard I felt it from outside the cage, but I was too focused on the knife sticking out of Ace to even glance at the other guy.

"Blake." Dean nods as he steps in front of us.

"Dean." Is his only response.

"How's Ace doing?" He glances at the door with furrowed eyebrows. Anyone can tell he truly cares about the fighters, even though he tries to hide it.

"Don't know, they haven't given us an update. He could be dead for all I know." Blake snaps.

I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about the possibility. What if he is? His lifeless body could be drained of blood laying on a bed just past those doors.

I begged for them to take him to a real hospital, but it's something they agree to when they sign up to fight.

No hospitals. That's why they hire their own medical team for the season.

"I see. Well I just wanted to let you know that the man who stabbed him won't be an issue anymore. He didn't make it." A gasp escapes me. He's dead, Ace killed him.

"His skull cracked when it hit the floor. He was confirmed dead shortly after they took Ace out of the cage." Blake pulls me closer, I'm not sure if it's because of the way the words make me shiver or if he's needing the extra comfort right now.

"What happens to Ace then?" His question makes the gears start turning in my head. What happens when someone dies here? Does it get swept under the rug or is Ace going to be charged with murder?

"I've taken Ace out for the next month. And before you yell at me, it's not because he killed Curtis. It's because he got stabbed and needs to heal, not make it worse. If he's cleared by my medical after a month he can fight again if he wants. As for the rest, I have it taken care of, don't worry about it."

"Thanks Dean." Blake mumbles, head leaned back and resting on the wall. He looks so incredibly worn out.

"I've got matters to attend to, so I'll be off. Cash, if medical doesn't give an update within the hour go in there and demand one." As Dean walks away I feel slightly better.

All I need is an idea of how he's doing, if they think he's going to make it or not. I'm startled by the sound of my phone ringing, the sound echoing in the hall making it louder than it should be.

"It's Bella." I whisper to Blake.

"Tell her whatever you want."

I should tell her what's going on, I would want to know if I were her.


"Hey! So I was wondering if Blake would want a bar of chocolate or a magnet? I just don't know what to get for him, we never talk." Come to think of it, they really don't. Weird.

"I think he would be fine with either." There is a long pause then Bella lets out her signature thinking humm.

"What's wrong, babe? You sound off. Did Blake do some stupid shit again? I swear, I'll superglue his hand to his mouth so he can't speak for weeks." Gosh, I love her.

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