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Ten minutes before the phone call.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I ask Henry. After he made the phone call and I shoved all the cash I could find in my backpack he directed us to a used game store in the middle of downtown.

 "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." The problem is he's asking me to trust him with a hell of a lot right now.

 My girl is out there, with god knows who doing god knows what to her. And he taking me to a fucking game store?

 "This guy knows anything and everything there is to do with computers and technology. He can get us access." Henry opens a side door and steps inside.

 "So why is he working out of some dingy old building? Shouldn't he be working at a high end job if he's that knowledgeable?" Ace asks as the rest of us step into the very dimly lit room.

 To the right is a door that connects to the actual store and straight ahead a few feet is an elevator that looks like the last time it had maintenance was ten years ago. 

"That would be because he's legally dead." Of course. "He got in some trouble and instead of trying to clear his name he did the whole elaborate thing that led him to faking his death. Anyway, it's not important." Henry pushed some buttons on the elevator, it takes a moment then creeks open.

 I swear he's going to get us killed. 

"How did you meet this guy?" Bella asks.

 We all can barely fit in the elevator but somehow manage to squeeze in.

 "That's also not important." He mumbles. 

"Look up into the camera on the left." He points to a ball with a small blinking red dot. We all look then the elevator starts moving.

 "This is some sketchy shit." Ace grumbles, his arms cross over Bella's chest as he pulls her closer to his chest protectively. 

"You got the money?" A voice comes out of the speaker next to the camera. Henry grabs the backpack from me, unzips it and shows the loose cash to the camera. 

"I swear if this is some kind of set up I'll make sure you lose some fingers, Henry." The voice says.

 "And I don't fucking care because it's not." 

"You're lucky I have a soft spot for a damsel in distress." The voice grumbles then the elevator doors open. 

"You know the way." He says before the light in the elevator goes off and the lights in the hallway flickers on. 

"He has a thing for horror movie vibes. Ignore it." Henry mumbles, stepping out of the dark elevator and into the hallway tunnel.

 He wastes no time walking down the long stone tunnel. "It's just through here." In front of us is a door that looks like it belongs in a medieval castle.

 Thick wood planks with wide metal bands and hefty nails holding it together. It looks to have been painted a light blue before, but almost all of the paint has peeled away leaving the natural wood once again. 

 My heart squeezes in my chest once again. If Rose was here she would love this door. 

Henry pushes the door open, even though this thing looks old it opens smoothly. I expected the inside to match the outside, but the inside is something I would expect from a high end hotel.

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