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"Please, take him back." Ace growls through the phone. It's only been a few hours since we moved Henry in with him but that's a few hours too long according to Ace.

"What happened?" A long sigh leaves my lips as a dull pain settles into my forehead.

It's now ten at night and I'd like to be sleeping. Blake had no issue with falling asleep and didn't so much as stir when the phone rang. I aspire to be like him one day.

"He snores. It is so loud and it pretty much shakes the whole house! Listen." Sure enough the second Ace's voice fades off it's replaced with an unholy snore.

I try to contain it, after all Ace is in this situation because of me. But the snort mixed in with the snore sends me over the edge and a giggle escapes my lips.

"It's not funny, Rose!"

"Sorry, sorry! How about I have someone deliver some earplugs?" Although I'm not sure they will be able to block the sound completely, it's pretty bad.

"How about a soundproof box I could lock him in. Those have got to exist, right?"

"Ace!" How could he even suggest that, that's so cruel.

"Wa-What happened." My shocked gasp must have done the trick, now Blake is up with wide eyes as he looks around.

"Nothing, go back to bed." I shove Blake back down and cover him with blankets once again. I know he needs sleep, and this situation isn't something that three of us should be losing sleep over.

"Fine, I'll use ear plugs. But if those don't work I'm taking him to the roof and leaving him there. All the neighbors will wonder how a train track got installed without them seeing." Oh my gosh, this man is insufferable when he's tired.

"You better not. If you really can't sleep I'll switch places with you. Henry and I can live there and you can move in with Blake."

I never noticed Henry's snoring before. It's probably because we never slept anywhere that was quiet. There were always cars, trains, planes and people screaming. Snores were the least of my concern, the first good night's rest I got was when I moved in with Blake and got comfortable with it.

"Blake would kill me."

"So will sleep deprivation." And I would rather not deal with him once he gets less than eight hours.

I'm crossing my fingers at this point hoping that Henry hasn't started drinking coffee yet. If he drinks Ace's before he gets his fill the whole apartment complex might get burned to the ground.

"Should I go get you some earplugs and bring them over?" I do feel bad, Ace does so much for me and now he can't even sleep because of my friend.

"No! Oh my gosh, woman. Are you trying to get me killed?"

"Blake is sleeping, he'd never even know I left." Even though Blake has managed to chill out about me going places alone, he still has a mini heart attack if I'm not back when the sun disappears.

"Yeah, until he wakes up and calls me crying. Rose is gone! I'm going to die, I can't be away from her ever. Blah, blah, blah. Boo-hoo."

Like he's one to talk. Bella and him aren't even together and they talk every chance she gets a break from work. "Why did you even call me then?"

"Because I wanted to complain and Bella's sleeping already."


"Shut up, you little twerp." Twerp? How dare he.

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