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I wonder if I'm making a huge mistake. I knew this season would be more intense but I wasn't expecting the information Dean dropped on me.

 I said I would fight this year and I'm going to stick to that, but Dean said to watch my back.

 These guys coming in are brutal. And I was the champion last year, so all eyes will be on me.

 Dean said he has it covered inside the Pit, rules are in place and if anyone plays dirty they will be kicked out. But he can't do anything about outside the Pit, it would be overstepping his role.

 Dean may be the one to set these fights up, but he really isn't a bad guy. He's nervous for this year. 

Rose doesn't know it yet but Dean is going to have Cash stationed around her. I've never seen him get involved like that, unless someone did something like pulling a gun in the cage he didn't intervene with the fighters. 

Let alone one of the fighter's girls, it was our own business if we brought them around. But this year these new guys got him so spooked that he's willing to change that.

 If I would have known this before I would have dropped out this season, but I like to stick to my word. Backing out would make me feel like a dick.

So far I haven't even met these guys, so I'm not sure what to make of it. But if and when anyone threatens Rose, the game changes. 

I thought Rose would beg me to quit when I told her. She's scared, I can see it every time I look at her. But she won't tell me to call this season off, I'd drop it in a heartbeat if she did.

 She'll stand beside me no matter my decision because she trusts my judgment. And that scares the shit out of me. 

I upped my training, I'm at the gym almost all day now. I check in with Rose every hour because I'm scared something might happen to her. 

So I think I can say I got myself in over my head this year. Ace is contemplating this year as well, the whole thing seems off and it's going down a path we both aren't interested in. 

We talked about it last night and as of right now we both want to complete this year, but also feel like we shouldn't. 

I found a house I thought Rose would love, but with my lack of credit I got denied for a mortgage. It sold last week and I felt torn apart. 

Then I found out about how much the prize is this year. If I win I'll have enough to buy us a house in full, then Rose can get a puppy like she's been wanting so badly. 

If I lose, I might not make it out alive. 

"You're still here?" Ace steps beside me at the weight rack. 

"Yeah. How was dinner?" He said he left to get a bite to eat, but I know it was to talk to Bella. She gets off work around this time every night and calls him on the way back to the hotel. 

"It was good." Liar, he didn't even eat. 

"Oh yeah? What'd you have?" He looks over at me, eyes squinted and lips in a flat line. I knew he didn't eat, he's such a bad liar sometimes. 

"I'll have Rose bring you some food when she drops dinner off." I laugh. Poor guys so hung up on Bella he forgot to order himself some food.

 I'm not judging though, I've been there many times before. With Rose, not Bella. Gross. 

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