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Isaiah left just a few short minutes ago to go see Olivia.

 And Ace left not long after to go shower. 

We all made up in a way, he's going to stay in touch through rehab and as long as he's trying I'll support him. I'm sure Rose and Ace will as well. 

I know the road to recovery isn't easy and he's most likely going to relapse. It's the mindset I was worried about the most. He was being destructive before, and it didn't want him taking us down with him.

 Now he's trying to dig his way out of the hole he created and I'm not going to be the type of person to throw more dirt on top of him. As long as he's moving forward, even if it's with hiccups. That's something I can stand behind.

 Now I have to deal with the current situation. 

He stayed for a while, and that left Rose with about an hour and a half until Henry is supposed to be here. 

She's freaking out as she runs around the kitchen trying to catch up to where she should be. While the sight is quite comical, it's also stressing me out to see her so worried. 

From what I gather about Henry he won't care. Rose could serve cold beans in a cup and he wouldn't complain. 

But Rose's movements look desperate as she fumbles with frosting ingredients. Her brows are furrowed as she bites her lip and glares at the mixer. 

Everything is mixing correctly, she's just so stressed that the upset frown isn't going away no matter how well the frosting is coming together.

 "Need some help?" I ask for the tenth time. 

"Decorations!" She turns to me with wide panicked eyes. 

"I forgot the decorations!" 

"Decorations for what?" Henry is just coming over for dinner, why would we need decorations? 

"I promised him I'd throw him a birthday party, but he was gone before I could. Now I get another chance and I mess it up. No decorations, I don't have enough time to decorate the cake how I wanted and dinner isn't going to be done on time! I'm such a horrible person I can't even-"

 I cut her off as I notice she's sending herself into another attack. "Hey, don't ever talk about yourself that way. And don't worry about the decorations. I'll go get them right now. When Ace gets here we can both help get everything set up. Alright?"

Her breathing evens out as we hold eye contact. She nods her head, "Sorry. I just want it to be perfect." She sighs.

 "I know. But don't stress yourself out like that, Henry will be happy just to spend some time with you. I'm sure of it." He'd hate seeing her like this, that much I know. 

"Ok, I'll be back soon." I grab my keys and head out the door. Quickly calling Ace as I make it to my car. 

"What? I just got home." Ace grumbles. I can hear the water on in the background, he was probably just about to step in the shower. 

"Can you make it quick and get back to my apartment? Apparently Rose wanted to throw a birthday party for Henry because she never was able to before. The whole Isaiah thing set her back and how she's really stressed about it. I'm running to the store to get decorations but there's still a bunch to be done." There's silence for a second then a long huff of air is blown into the phone.

 "You know, I should just move into your apartment complex. Between you guys and Bella I'm hardly ever here. The commute is starting to get annoying." He huffs. 

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