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Blake lets me use his car whenever I need to go somewhere. He says it's safer than walking or riding the bus, so he pretty much makes me take it.

Whenever he goes out and I want to stay home, he makes Ace pick him up so it's always there for me if I need it.

It came in handy today when I needed to get to Olivia's. The bus stop is a quarter mile from her house, so it's definitely quicker to drive.

My online shop is actually doing really well, I almost have enough saved to buy a car. Not anything fancy, but something of my own none the less.

Blake keeps offering to pitch in, but I always decline.

Apparently he's rich or something, but I don't care. I want to do this myself.

Although Ace always tries to get me to make Blake buy him stuff. Doesn't make any sense because according to Blake, Ace is also high in funds at the moment.

Makes me think I should get into fighting. Just kidding, I'd die.

"Hi, Rose!" Olivia's chipper voice calls from the porch as I step out of Blake's car.

"Hi, Olivia! It's been so long since I've last seen you!" Although we've talked on the phone I haven't actually seen Olivia in over a month.

"I know! I've missed you so much! Come in, come in!" Her hand ushers me into her home.

"So how have you been?" She asks as we take a seat in the kitchen.

"I've been pretty good. My business is going well and I'm really starting to settle into the whole living with Blake thing." I feel more at home in that apartment than I ever have anywhere else.

"Oh good! I'm so glad to hear that!" She beams.

"What about you? How have you been?"

"Well, with Isaiah moved out and my husband having to take on extra shifts, it's been quite the adjustment. But I've been moving Mr. Jones garden decorations around his yard an inch at a time. He's starting to think he's losing his mind and it's quite entertaining." She laughs.

"Isn't that a little cruel?" I ask. Often older people's biggest fear is losing their memory.

"Oh don't worry dear. If he doesn't catch on by next week I plan on setting up all the decorations in a circle, I'll leave a letter with the flamingo that clues him in." She might have just a little too much free time on her hands currently.

"Ok, shall we get started on the projects?" I say, hoping to not be any more of an accomplice to her cruel and unusual crimes.

"Oh, yes! Here is the list." She slides over a list that's just a little longer than I expected.


"All done Olivia!" I yell down the stairs. The last thing on the list was to fix the running toilet upstairs and luckily for me it was a pretty easy fix.

"Oh my! Thank you so much, Rose! You really are a lifesaver!" She gushes from the bottom of the stairs. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"I would, but I should probably get back. I promised Blake I would be home soon so we can watch this documentary about windmills that just came out."

He's really excited to watch it, and I'm excited to bake cookies and cuddle up next to him. It's a win-win kinda situation.

"Awe, you guys are just the sweetest!"

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