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I feel like someones watching me. Every time I walk by a window or go outside I feel eyes on me.

Blake told me about the text this morning so I'm sure that I'm just paranoid. Or it could be the fact that Blake is hovering again.

I dropped a spoon earlier and Blake came running into the kitchen to make sure I was ok.

Issue is he was in the middle of a shower so naturally I screamed when a naked man came running into the kitchen wildly with only a bath towel loosely hanging around his hips.

Not only did I scream, I screamed so loud that Ace heard and came rushing over. He's been more on edge than Blake so he didn't waste a second and just blew through the door.

Now we have to buy a new door before the landlord finds out about it. They still haven't let the incident go from last year when Blake broke down Bella's door.

"How about this one?" Ace points to a door in the hardware store.

I sigh, once again. "That's an interior door, Ace." I've told him three times already that we need an exterior door, but he doesn't get it.

The least he could have done is kicked the door in a way that it would have just broken off the hinges. But no, he had to go and put a dent in the steel.

"How about this one?" Bella asks this time. I look over the door her hand is on. Exterior, white, the right dimensions.

"Yeah, this one would work perfectly."

"You didn't even look at the one I picked out." Blake grumbles.

"Fine, let me see it." The last one he picked out was black and I specifically said we need to match the original one.

"This one has glass." I point to the rectangle pane at the top of the door.

"I know, I think it looks cool." I agree it does. But we would be the only apartment with glass on their door. It would stick out like a sore thumb and the landlord would notice as soon as they drive by.

"We're trying to match the old door, you idiot." Bella has also been a little on edge. Honestly I think we are all losing it a little.

Blake scheduled a meeting with Dean for the end of the day. Ace isn't scheduled for any more fights because of what happened, but Blake was supposed to fight tonight. I don't know how Dean is going to take it with them quitting in general, but with Blake's next fight being so soon I'm worried he's going to be pissed.

"Can I help you with anything?" The kind old man who works here asks.

"Yes, please. We want to get this door." I point to the one Bella picked out.

"Are you needing it delivered or do you have transportation?"

"I'd like it delivered. When can you have it delivered by? We're kind of in a rush."

"Sorry dear, but we're booked for a week. The Earliest I could schedule you for would be next Friday." Great.


"Hold it down! Don't you dare let go with your scrawny little arms right now or we'll all die!" Bella screams at us.

The boys decided to load the door on top of the car, roll the windows down and hold onto it.

Bella is driving, Ace is halfway out the window in the seat behind her, Blake is in the passenger seat and I'm behind him. Bella took a wrong turn and now we are going fifty five down the freeway trying to get to an exit.

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