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I fell in love the moment I saw him. His big cute eyes and dark brown hair.

 My only question is how anyone wouldn't love him.

 His personality is like a dream, I don't know what I would do without him. But then Blake opens his mouth and I wish I would have left him at home.

 "No, nope. Absolutely not. We can't get a dog right now." Blake tries to pull me away from the unimaginably cute little puppy that's trying to get to me through the cage. 

I keep my feet planted on the ground and pull away from Blake. I know we can't get a dog right now, but can't he just let me imagine we could for a couple minutes? 

"Rose, come on." Blake grumbles. I look up at him with the best puppy dog face I can manage and it looks like he's fighting a battle internally. 

I'd usually care that I'm manipulating him like this, but I don't give a care in the world today because he insisted that he come on also. 

I was planning on spending most of the day at the shelter playing with all the animals. Then Blake decided he wanted to come too and had an issue as soon as I stepped through the door and started gushing over all the four legged creatures running around.

 "Just go home if you don't want to be here." I push away from him and pick up the puppy without a name.

 He was born not too long ago here at this shelter. His mom was surrendered when the owners found out she was pregnant, they didn't want to deal with it so they just left her with the vet.

 Bella told me about it. The vet clinic she works at is the one the owners went to. No one was able to take the mom, so she ended up here.

 "It's not that I don't want to be here, but you're going to convince me to let you bring that guy home and we just can't. We don't even have a yard." Blake sighs. 

I think the bigger issue is that he wants to bring the puppy home too. I can see it in his eyes, he looks at it the same way I do. 

"I know we can't adopt him. But that doesn't mean I can't play with him every day until he gets adopted." I state. 

Sometimes you have to take what you can get. Even though I want a dog of my own, this is a good way to get a fix without the commitment. 

"You promise you'll be able to leave him?" No, but I have to.

 "Will you be able to?" I shoot back.

 And I hit the nail in the head because Blake takes a moment before he replies. "I don't know." He groans. 

He scratches the puppy's head and I fall in love with the both of them more. I wonder what it would be like to start a family with Blake. 

Even if it was just a pet, would we be good at it? Or would the way our parents raised us leak into our own family?

 It's my biggest fear. How much was my mom actually aware of? Did she think she was justified in her doings, will I do the same thing and not even realize it? 

I feel like that's impossible, but I also feel like it's impossible for a mother to treat their kids like Blake's and my mom did to us. 

So obviously it's not impossible. 

"If you promised to stop with the puppy dog eyes when we need to go, I can make it out of here without taking that dog with us." 


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