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I can't tell if Rose is acting strange because the kids left, or if something else is wrong. But this last week she keeps sneaking out of the house and making excuses that don't add up. 

Just this morning she was whispering to someone on the phone and hung up when I came into the room. But she seems happy and like her usual self. I just can't figure out what's going on. 

"I'm going to go get some ingredients we forgot." Her head pops around the corner.

 I search her eyes for anything to let me know that she's gotten into some kind of trouble again and is trying to keep me out of it. I thought we were past that though.

"Ok, I'll come with you." I quickly shut the laptop I was using and stand up. 

Rose's eyes flash with panic. "No!" She shouts. "I mean, no, it's ok. I can go by myself." The words fly out of her mouth in a rush causing a frown to settle on my face. 

"It's no problem, I want to go with you." My gut twists for some stupid reason. I got so worried about the way she was acting that last night I checked the inmate records at the prison her brother is in to make sure he wasn't out yet. He's still locked up and has years to serve. So that can't be what's wrong. 

"No, really it's fine. You wanted to catch up on emails anyway." She gestures for me to sit back down. She's right, I did. But I'd stay up late tonight doing them if she would just let me figure out what the hell is going on. 

"I'll only be a few minutes anyway. You stay here and I'll be right back, ok?" She smiles at me, nods her head then turns around and leaves. 

"Ok." I whisper under my breath. God, what he fuck is she up to? Every time she gets like this it ends up in some catastrophic event. 

My mind buzzes with all the things that have happened, her brother, Conway, broken cars and stupid ass parties she never even wanted to go to in the first place. 

That girls a walking time bomb, but she handles it with so much grace sometimes I forget all the fucked up shit that has happened. 

Until she starts acting weird, then it all comes crashing back. 

The front door closes, and an idea clicks in my head. If she won't tell me what's going on, I'll just have to figure it out for myself.

 Embracing my inner runner I grab my wallet, keys, jacket and throw on my shoes in record time. By the time I sneak out of the apartment Rose is already out of sight.

 I head towards the elevator, but then I remember how much Rose hates them so I make my way towards the stairs instead. I tip toe my way down the stairs, careful not to get ahead of myself and get within her sight.

But Rose must have been in a rush, I still haven't caught sight of her. After making it off of the stairs I jog my way to the front of the building, peaking around the north corner of the building I catch a glimpse of Rose as she crosses the street. 

"What're you doing?" My heart nearly jumps out of my chest as I turn around and see Ace staring at me with squinted questioning eyes.

 "Holy shit! What the fuck are you doing here?" I gasp out. 

Fuck, I thought I was about to get jumped. How was he so quiet?

 "I was stopping by to hang out, but then I saw you looking like a creepy stalker. What's up with that?" His eyes squint at me again, then around the surroundings. 

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