✵ eighteen ✵

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     The following day, I had woken up to an empty bed, and a note claiming that Oliver would see me soon. He had left medicine on the table for me along with a glass of water, but I was a little disappointed that he hadn't been there. That, or I just expected him to be. Leaning over, I grabbed the medicine, easily downing it with a few sips of water.  My head had a dull ache which was saying a lot considering I thought it would be much worse. 

Getting out of bed, I was thankful for the weekend off.  It was nice and I had planned to go and study in a bookstore for a test that wasn't until next week.  Of course, it may have been a little too early to even think about studying, but I had decided that I needed to start the study guide.  After all, while the tests weren't always difficult, one of my classes were kicking my ass already.

Heading into the bathroom, I started the shower.  The clock in the bathroom claimed it was only ten in the morning, which I didn't think was that bad considering I was slightly hungover.  It didn't take incredibly long for me to get ready, and by the time it was ten-thirty I was grabbing my bag to leave.  Walking out into the living room, I wasn't surprised to see the boys weren't up.  They almost always slept in on the weekend. 

Slipping on some shoes, I headed out the door.  It wasn't a long trip to the bookstore that I liked, the commute only about a ten minute walk from where I was.  It was cloudy out today, an unusual difference to the sunny days we had been having this past week or so.  Heading inside the bookstore, I immediately made my way to the coffee bar.  There was a short line and I was rather pleased, quickly ordering a coffee before I grabbed it at the end of the bar.

Taking the drink with me, I found a table toward the poetry section.  It worked out the best since my test was focused on a few poems by Robert Frost.  As I sat down, I pulled out my crappy laptop that had been somewhat unwell since Harry spilled coffee all over it.  Of course, it was still in decent condition, but not nearly enough for me to think I could still use it for years to come.  I definitely was going to have to invest in a new one soon and it was absolutely awful.

Deciding that I would make a stop at the Apple store once I was finished, I began working on my study guide.  It was nice that my professor always made a base one for us, but it allowed me to expand upon the ideas for the test.  Normally, this also allowed me to do better than I would anticipate, which I never disliked.  After all, getting a good grade in class was something I always enjoyed.

It wasn't until after two that I decided it was time to go. Not only had I finished my coffee, but I was starting to not focus any longer on my work and instead scroll through different apps on my phone. Putting all of my stuff back in my bag, I threw away my finished coffee, making my way out of the bookstore so I could head to Apple. It wasn't that long of a walk either, leaving me to arrive within about fifteen minutes. I found myself heading inside, surprised at the amount of people that were here. Though, I quickly realized it had to do with the fact a lot of people wanted to to preorder the newest iPhone that was coming out.

"Hi, do you have an appointment?" someone asked me as I started to look for computers.

"An appointment? No, am I supposed to?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Unfortunately, due to the high amount of traffic we are receiving right now, I do not have any available people so I will need you to make your way toward the exit. We are by appointment only, I don't know how you slipped in here. My apologies, ma'am. Hopefully, you understand.

It was irritating to say the least. I didn't have the money to get a laptop just this second, so the fact that he was kicking me out wasn't awful, but it was annoying. Muttering under my breath softly, I stared at him for a long moment before I simply nodded. There were so many people in here, I didn't understand why I needed to excuse myself from the crowd. After all, I hadn't been asked if I had an appointment previously, so why would I need to have one now?

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