Chapter44: Boys VS Girls

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David's POV

I must have starched my legs thrice by now, my mind haven't really been present lately this afternoon. Wednesday night, we won the game with a score of four to two, Uncle Richard had a heated argument with Ivan about the edited picture before benching him for the game while Ariel only had first half.

She came to the stadium fifteen minutes before we had to line up on the field, that was one of the reasons why she was sharing the branch with Ivan. Uncle Richard never like it when the team has a fight, hearing about it caused his anger level to rise sky-high, despite Ariel's reason behind throwing the first fist.

Yet, she didn't complain or throw her toys in the air like Ivan had, instead she just nodded her head and took a seat far away from the guy. At the end of the game, Uncle Richie talked to her privately away from the team on the field, by their body language, she wasn't in trouble or anything, but they spoke about something.

She practically ran away from me when I tried talking to her again once the game was over, but when we were playing together in the second half, she would shout my name when she passes the ball or letting me know when there's player coming to tackle me.

I haven't seen her the whole day yesterday, knowing that Thursday she would be in class, but she wasn't. On the group chat that me, Charlotte and Ryan have with her friends, I've noticed that she changed her cell number for some reason. When I went to her dorm room, Penny told me that she wasn't there, she was at home taking lessons online for the day which shows just how much that edited picture had affected her.

I've tried calling her last night before going to bed, then again this morning when I went for a run, hoping that maybe we could jog together and patch things up. Guess she would rather avoid me for the rest of the year after what has happened between us. Yeah, she should avoid you, you stupid asshole.

Shaking off the inner voice that has been screaming in my ear when I think back to how I've treated the situation between her and Ivan. I mean, why the hell did I say those things to Ariel? Telling her to apologize for beating him into a pump?

I've seen the whole video after training and after Uncle Richard bit Ivan's head off, seen how things went down to realise that the dude was clearly in the wrong and she's innocent. I was only being fair in the situation, although I wasn't really being fair to Ariel.

Earlier that day Ivan sent the picture in the team's group chat, I was close to throwing the phone against the wall at the first sight of it. Ryan wasn't happy about the picture either, he was more close to blowing a gasket, nearly getting into a fight with one of the guys in our business class who were known to rate some girls on terms of how good they would be in bed.

To be honest, if Ariel wasn't in the room, I would have beaten Ivan up myself and worry about Uncle Richie's permission later. I've already spoken to Riley the morning after sleeping over in Ariel's dorm room, told him how she joined and asked him to tone down the whole 'shady treatment' towards her.

He said that he understood and wouldn't pick on her any further, though I've noticed that he kept most of his promise. He would stare her down during training and such, but he hadn't talked her down like he done before. I was grateful that he listened to me and remembered what I've said about me and Uncle Richie always believing that he had a bright future on our team. Still does.

I know that she hasn't have told me about how much she's settling into the team, but I've been watching and I do see how she's trying to fit in. When the team pulled their first prank on her, I honestly thought that she would get very upset like most of the newbies have done. But instead she just laugh and branch it off, for every one of their pranks, she has been a good sport about it all.

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