Chapter80: David's girl

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David's POV

"Come on, guys, work faster!!" George screamed irritatedly while trying to make sure that the sandcastle that we were building was stable and knee height.

I was slowly starting to see why the twins wanted George to be on the other team. As much as he's a great team player and does a great job getting our team to win three times, he's really bad at making smart team decisions.

For the last two rounds, when we had to make a human size pyramid, he thought that Robin would make a strong bass with Dylan. In the third round, he thought that because he could eat peppers easily without minding the spicy, he could do the same with a teaspoon of wasabi.

Sometimes, George scares me with his way of thinking.

We were in the fourth game with the girls and Samuel. There were two options for this round, we could either bury one of us in sand until the neck or build a sandcastle that's knee height.

But no one in our team is an expert in building sandcastles, so we've built about six castles. All of them failed and weren't stable enough. The other team decided to take the second option and bury Samuel in the sand.

Every year, whenever we come to the beach before Dad goes back to Australia, we will have this. It was kinda like our little 'Amazing Race' that our parents came up with.
Each year, the games and challenges are always different. It's never the same. There's always something new that we've never done before.

"Dadddy, Daddy, we're done burying Samuel!" Valeria yelped, hurrying our Dad who was the only who could give us our points. I swear, as my little sister grows up, the more competitive she becomes.

I still don't know if I should be proud or scared of how fierce she's becoming lately. She might even become worse than Charlotte or one of us.

Carefully studying the buried twin, Dad gave Raven a smile, "Well done, sweetie. You and your team can go to the final round."

Immediately, they all shot onto their feet and ran towards the final round. While shaking off the sand from his body, Samuel gave us a sympathetic smile before catching up with the girls.

Thankfully, we've just finished our castle and got Dad's approval on it. While running, Dylan and Robin were grumbling to George about just having him buried in the sand. Since we're back to falling behind the girls again.

It was amazing how the girls have been doing so well in this year's beach games. Besides having Samuel on the team to make equal numbers, they've been doing very well. The last time they've done this well was when Boomer was with and being part of their team.

It seems that Ariel has been a great factor in the girls' achievement in the games. Not only was she a great team player who got them through the last three rounds, but she has been the one to help everyone when its needed.

It seems that Ariel has been a great factor in the girls getting this far in the games. Not only was she a great team player, but she was the one to help everyone when it was needed. And her competitiveness somehow balances with everyone's else so perfectly. There's no fighting or arguing between them. They were all in sync.

Sadly, I can't say the same with my team and myself.

The final round was a three leg race, and the first team to reach the finish line together wins. Charlie paired up with Ariel while Samuel tied his leg with Raven. Not really thinking who's gonna be tied together, George paired up with Robin while Dylan was with me.

Which did not work well in our favor, as we were all frustrated and wanted to win badly. We were in the lead the first round until the girls and Samuel shot past in rounds two and three.
They worked incredibly well together and had great, clear communication with each other. Just like they would have whenever Boomer was on their team.

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