Chapter79: Beach Day

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After Monday, the gang and David have been doing everything in their power to make me smile and be joyful. Each day without failure. Knowing how much Mom's anniversary had affected me and wanted to show their love and support.

Even with small, simple things like giving me extra notes in some of my courses. Visiting and helping me out at the bookstore when it's night. They even would go work out with me and Penny whenever they hardly ever do.

But David would secretly go the extra mile for me, of course. Taking my car for a check-up and car wash, spending time with me while I studied, giving me tight, sweet, bear hugs before the first lecture and before I went to bed.

When neither of us had any classes or assignments to do, he took me out for a picnic. After my shift at the bookstore, he picked me up and drove us with my car to the park where we had our last date. Spending most of the time, laying on the blanket, watching clouds floating by with held hands. That was my favorite.

Last night, I was asked to sleep over at his home. He family is having a beach day before Uncle Matt goes back to Australia. David and Charlotte told me that their parents wanted me to join the hike because they've 'missed me'.

Letting that be the reason and going with it. I was more than grateful to be invited. Although I felt a little bit out of space and almost like 'forcing myself' into the family. Bell and Uncle Matt made it perfectly clear that they would love to have me with. And that canceled out all doubts.

After having breakfast, which was deliciously great, everyone split into two different cars. Charlie, the twins, David and I, were in one car. Raven was in the car in front of us with George, Dylan, Bell, and Uncle Matt.

Derick and Madelyn stayed behind because Michael got a fever. Poor thing spent most of the night crying. When we were packing the car, he fell asleep and will be seeing the doctor later.

This could mean that the little guy has started teething, and from past experience, it's very painful for babies. When my niece and nephews started teething, hearing them cry always made you feel so sad and helpless.

"We should have gotten your surfboard, Jenna." Charlie said from the backseat. She practically pushed me into the front seat, saying that she didn't mind sitting at the back. Something tells me that David might have asked her to let me sit in front. "You could surf at Laguna Beach."

"Laguna Beach, whooyoo!!!" Robin and Samuel shouted excitedly, which is something they, Dylan and George, do whenever someone say the name of the beach.

Laughing at their excitement while Charlie rolled her green eyes at them. Already getting tired of their shouting, "That's not necessary, I can just swim in the tide pool."

"Doesn't look like you have to wait much longer, Ariel." David said while driving around a corner. And there it was, the famous crystal blue Laguna Beach.

This caused Robin and Samuel to root the beach's name, even louder. And it was funny seeing how red Charlie's face turned as she covered her ears before shouting at them.

Parking the cars in the parking lot before getting out. Everyone stretched before grabbing their bags. And made our way to the stairs, which wasn't really a thousands stairs, as some would say.

Walking down this staircase that was surrounded by so much green and many joggers friendly greeting us as they jog past us.
After some time later, we finally touched base on the soft beach sand as the waves sweetly greeted us from afar.

David's family set up by this one spot that they would always be. Setting up a picnic blanket and beach towels. Having sandwiches and snacks that Bell and Maddie packed in for everyone.

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