Jack of All Trades (1)

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‼️ [ A/N: PLEASE read books 1 and 2 before continuing with this story. All are on my profile! ] ‼️

Part One: Don't Open the Door

December 29, 1966
"Home", The Mirror World

Third Person's POV
A boy was sitting in a chair, looking out of a clean window, watching the rain come up from the ground, and back up into the cloudy sky of a dull purple shade.

The boy looked to be about 8-years-old. He had fluffy black hair, paper white skin, six fingers on both hands, pointy elf ears, and he had a mask on his face. His mask was the brightest white, had two eye-holes, and a frown. He was wearing a black long sleeved button down shirt, with gold buttons, and the collar was up. He had on black gloves and black pants, with white shoes.

     "——? Where have you gone now?" he heard a woman ask.

When he heard someone walk into the room, he turned around, seeing a woman. Her face was the only part of her that was blurry. But the woman was very pale. He could tell she had very light, icy blue hair, which was cut very short (about two inches above her shoulders). She had on a dress made of thick, purple and white feathers. She seemed to be in her very early thirties, based on her angelic voice.

     "There you are," she said in a soft voice. "It's time, ——. They've arrived."

The boy would only hear ringing and the woman's muffled voice whenever she stated his name.

The woman held out her hand and he took it, and followed her as she led him out of the room. As the two walked down a hallway together, the boy could smell a rotten stench as they walked past a door. The woman did not seem bothered in any way, so he shrugged it off, thinking: If she doesn't mind it, I shouldn't either.

But he should've been worried. Because on the other side of that door was the dead body of a 12-year-old boy. Candy-apple colored hair was next to the boy's head — even black buttons, a voice box, and sewing kit. The masked boy should be very worried.

The woman led the boy to a door, where three men were standing.

One man was very slender. He had pasty, pale skin. His short hair was a winter mint color, and he wore black gloves, a white, long sleeved, collared shirt (with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows), a black suit vest, black trousers, and a crystal brooch on the collar of his shirt. He had on a white mask that covered his face; the eyes looked like plus signs (+), and the mouth had a white grin with vertical cracks all across the grin.
His name was Dr. Viridian.

The second man wasn't showing any skin. He wore a black, ripped up scarf around his neck, and a blank mask on his face. The mask was quite literally blank; no eye-holes, no breathing holes, no mouth — nothing, just a large crack that stretched halfway across. He wore white gloves, as well as a white cloak that dragged behind him when he walked, and the hood covered the top half of his masked face.
His name was Dr. Downfall.

And the third man was solid black, like his entire figure was the solid form of a shadow. Except he had one large eye on his face.
Dr. Nobody.

     "Hello, doctors," the woman respectfully bowed. "Here he is." She turned to look at the boy, but he was staring at the door with the awful stench. "——, be mindful, the doctors are here."

The boy turned around and looked at the doctors.

     "Is there anything we need to know about him before we continue?" asked Dr. Nobody, in an almost demonic sounding voice, even though he didn't have a mouth.

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