Is the Toymaker in Town? (3)

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Part Three (final): A Precious Present for a Precious Person

October 29, 1985
The Toy Box (Toy Store)

Third Person's POV
Toymaker looked proudly at his newfound creation. "Incredible, isn't it?"

Austin wanted to cry. He shouldn't have let him have Waldo. "What have you done to Waldo...?"

Hearing those words made Toymaker doubt that this was the perfect toy. "...No matter how much I perfect the equation, there always seems to be something wrong."

Marco tells him, "But... We just wanted the perfect toy!"

     "So did I," Toymaker sighed and looked at the ground.

They all stood in silence for a moment, and Austin and Marco were shaking in fear.

Toymaker slowly turned to look at them. "...What did you two do?"


He had snapped. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Austin and Marco flinched and stepped back.

     "I have spent days perfecting this! Do you have any idea how many I've had to fool to try and try again, only to fail?!" He turned to Marco. "YOU!"

Marco seemed confused and frightened. "Me??"

     "This is all YOUR fault! You could've had the perfect toy! But you... You had to doubt me." He grabbed the boy by his arms.

Marco wanted to panic. "Please! Just let us go!"

     "Oh, my dear boy. You are going to pay for what you've done! I am not going to let anyone let me down, including you-!" He glanced at the mirror behind the boy, and a frightened expression grew on his face. Shaking in fear, he let go of the boy and said, "...No. You. No! Please! I just need more time! Give me more time!"

The kids looked at each other and ran out of the toy store, traumatized.

Toymaker backed away from the mirror. "PLEASE! This isn't at all what I had planned! Please, no! No! You just need to give me more time!"

A woman walked out of the large mirror. The woman was very pale, like the grey pallor of death. She had very light, icy blue hair, which was cut very short. She had soft facial features, that made her seem kind. She had a beauty mark on her left cheek, and she had solid black eyes. She had on a dress made of thick, purple and white feathers. She seemed to be in her very early thirties, based on her angelic voice.

She approached the worried Toymaker and tells him, "What have we discussed, Unmei?"

She seemed to be the only thing that Toymaker feared. Her presence made him feel like she would kill him at any given moment. He hated her, but had to listen to her.

Toymaker hesitantly says, "...I just need-"

The woman states in a firm tone; "You are supposed to make the perfect toy. You are my greatest creation, so I expect you to act like it. To behave as the perfect toy I made you to be."

Toymaker slowly shakes his head at her. "...But I am not perfect. I break easily. I can't taste anymore. I can't sing. I can't dance. I can't even blink anymore."

The woman stared up at him, not breaking eye contact. "...I created you to be perfect." She takes a step back. "We had an agreement."

He watched as she walked back to the mirror.

"Next time, do it correctly."

As soon as the woman stepped back through the mirror, Toymaker had a sense of relief. He fell to his knees, and covered his ears.

The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy.  The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy. The perfect toy.

I am not the perfect toy. Stop talking to me as if I am.

He tried to remember what the woman's face looked like, but he couldn't recall. Every time he saw her, he would forget what she looked like. He always tried to remember. He wanted to remember, and was angry whenever he couldn't.

In frustration, he hit his fist on the floor, and felt a crack. He lifted up his hand, seeing a large crack on the side of it.

I've been thrown away like a broken toy.


Akari Evergarden
Disappeared November 16, 1984
Last spotted in Melbreck Forest

Unsolved case. Case closed.

Tsuki Evergarden
Disappeared November 16, 1984
Last spotted in Melbreck Forest

Unsolved case. Case closed.

Klaus Blythe
Last seen November 25, 1984
Found alive in Melbreck Forest

Sally Wilson
Last seen August 20, 1985

1974 - 1985
She stopped screaming when her spine came out.

Last seen October 28, 1985

Hit by a car
"He was still moving after he hit my bumper."

Marco Grant
Last seen October 29, 1985

Found dead in Melbreck Forest
1976 - 1985
Suffered a seizure after being hit in the head.

Austin Grant
Last seen October 29, 1985

Found dead in Melbreck Forest
1975 - 1985
His body was found with his head facing backwards.

{ End of Is the Toymaker in Town? }

"Don't worry. We will fix you. You will be beautiful."

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