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Part Five: Repeat Until Death

March 14, 1953
Room 111; Room for FORGET
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
Kuriko woke up in her bed, in what seemed to be her room from before she ever got involved with the lab. She looked around, seeming very unfazed, just tired.

She got up, and got ready, as she normally would. Afterward, she went to the restroom, and just as she turned the knobs on the faucet, she noticed the water wasn't running.

Confused, she tried to turn the knobs again, but it was just the same. She looked under the sink to see if anything was wrong with the pipes, but everything seemed normal.

She looked up toward the door when she heard clattering in the kitchen.

She stood in front of the door, and hesitantly opened it. She stepped to look in the kitchen, but nothing was here. She turns around, just checking, but didn't see anything. But when she looked forward again, she saw a bizarre creature.

The creature seemed very mutated. It was large and seemed to be made of shadows. It had jagged teeth growing in various places on its body, and were very sharp. It didn't have a face. It was disturbing to look at.

It slowly turned to face her. Suddenly, it reached out long, boney arms from its body, reaching to her. But she rushed back to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, locking it.

She heard nothing but silence filling the air, as she backed away from the door. She turned at the shower curtain and pulled the curtain open, seeing nothing in the bathtub.

After a moment, she looked up at the window, and saw a shadow rush past it. She flinched when she suddenly heard the faucet run water. She backed away, facing her back toward the door, feeling overwhelmed.

Kuriko unlocked the door and opened it, but as soon as she did, she was stabbed in the eye with a knife the shadow monster was holding.

[ Next Day ]

Kuriko woke up in her bed, still in the same house-like room she was in just yesterday. She looked around, seeming very unfazed, just tired.

After she stretched, she got up and got ready, as she normally would.

She chose the same outfit as yesterday's, then walked out of her room and wandered into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator door, but saw nothing on the shelves. She was disappointed, to say the least.

She closed the refrigerator door and looked out of the kitchen window. She saw a bird in mid-air, like the world had paused, and she was the only one who could move. Even though the bird wasn't moving, she could still hear it chirping as it normally would.

But she was too distracted to notice a shadow figure lurking behind her. It reached out its scrawny arms towards her, and in the blink of an eye, it snapped her neck.

[ Next Day ]

Kuriko woke up in her bed. She looked around, seeming very unfazed, just tired. After she stretched, she got up and got ready, as she normally would.

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