Don't Look Away (9)

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Part Nine: A Tight Embrace

October 31
Mirror World

Third Person's POV
     "I would say I'm surprised to see you, but I am not. But know that just you showing up has allowed me to figure out your weak spot," Drocell said, eerily tilting his head to his left. "I almost didn't believe you had one."

Joker snatched a needle from Mizuki's left arm and immediately threw it towards Drocell. Drocell smirked under his mask when the needle missed him, but his shoulders dropped when the needle hit the light, breaking the bulb and causing darkness to swallow the room.

Annette brought out a match and lit it, the fire dimly lighting up the room. But she, Drocell, and Rui noticed Mizuki and Joker were no longer there.

"Mother, could you put away the match you're currently holding?" Drocell asked in a calm tone.

"Yes, my dear."

Annette shook her hand that was holding the match, which blew out the flame, making it dark again.

The three of them walk out of a room that's above the room they were just in.

Rui and Annette trailed Drocell as he walked outside, exiting the large house located in the woods.

He looked around. Drocell could sense Joker's presence, but couldn't see him.

"I can sense you're still here, Jester. But where is the girl?" asked Drocell, taking a few steps forward.

Rui was about to follow him, but Annette gently grabbed his shoulder, keeping him from moving.

"You have always been up for a game of hide-and-seek. But it was always easy to find you. Although, currently, I cannot seem to place you or your pawn."

In the blink of an eye, thin webs quickly stretched out from above, and attached to Drocell's left arm.

When he looked up, he saw Joker standing on the edge of the roof with the other end of the webs attached to his gloveless hands.

Drocell tugged his arm downward, trying to break free from the webs, but as he was tugging on them, Joker raised his arm up, pulling on the strings, which caused Drocell's arm to rip off.

Rui immediately shot webs from his fingers, aiming towards the jester, hoping to surround him with a cage of webs, but Joker hopped down from the roof, avoiding the them.

Annette was calmly standing by the door, observing Joker as she softly smiled. But she also made sure to look at her surroundings every few seconds, hoping to place where Mizuki may be.

Before Drocell got the chance to regenerate his arm, Joker stepped in front of him. He swiftly shoved his right hand into the left side of his chest, causing blood to splatter onto bth of their clothes. Rui thought of encaging him, but he realized that if he did so, that'd mean Drocell would be stuck there, as well.

Drocell yelped in pain, then swung his hand towards Joker's neck, and once his hand reached the skin, it began cutting through his throat, but Joker's stepped back, roughly pulling his hand back out of Drocell's chest and literally ripping out his heart. And the thick cut on Joker's neck quickly healed itself.

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