Is the Toymaker in Town? (2)

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Part Two: A Tape Hidden Inside His Empty Head

October 28, 1985
Melbreck Forest

Third Person's POV
Austin and Marco had looked everywhere for needle and thread — in their house, at school, but couldn't find any. So they ventured off into the forest.

Austin found a dufflebag next to a tree-stump. He saw some thread on the bag. "Oh, look, Marco! A thread!"

Marco approached the bag. "Hmm... I wonder what's in this bag."

The two of them unzip the bag, only to see rotting, mangled animal carcass. The two just stared at it, not knowing what to say. The smell was awful, but they didn't seem fazed by it.

Seeming unbothered by it, Marco reaches into the bag and finds a needle. "Look, Austin! A needle! Let's go give it to the Toymaker!"

The Toy Box (Toy Store)

Austin and Marco ran into the store, with proud, excited expressions on their faces. They rushed up to the counter, where Toymaker was standing.

     "Oh, Mr. Toymaker!" Marco says, "Toymaker! We found the needle and thread!"

Toymaker smiled and spoke through his voice box, "Wonderful! Now you must find fabric and paint! Hurry along now!"

About twenty minutes later, Austin and Marco ran into the toy store again, with fabric and paint. Their dog Waldo was trailing them.

Austin says, "Toymaker! Toymaker! We got the paint and-!"

Toymaker interrupts him, "Wonderful! Now I just need a few more things."

     "Anything, Mr. Toymaker!"

     "The next thing I need is your dog."

Marco and Austin looked at each other, concerned and confused.

Marco looks at his dog, Waldo, then back at the Toymaker. "...What? What do you need him for?"

Toymaker then states, "The toy needs to be happy! And it can't be happy without a friend."


     "Don't you want it to be happy?"

Austin and Marco looked at each other, then at their dog. Marco seemed upset and very worried. Why would this man need Waldo to finish making the perfect toy?

Austin seemed hesitant, then looked at his brother. "...Don't be square, Marco! Just let him have Waldo."

Marco frowned. He had a bad feeling.

Toymaker plastered a soft grin on his face. "Yes, wonderful! Now come back later for the final step!"

[ Next Day ]
October 29

Austin and Marco returned to the toy store, hopeful for their perfect toy.

Austin says, "Mr. Toymaker! We're back!"

Toymaker turned around while standing behind the counter. "You're just in time, children!"

Marco was only trying to spot their dog, but couldn't find him in plain sight. "Where's Waldo?"

Toymaker shakes his head, avoiding the question. "Never mind that, children. Now come closer. The next thing I need from you two is your voice."

A perplexed Austin questions, "What do you mean?"

     "I need you both to sing a song," the Toymaker said as he approached the door closest to a large mirror. "The toy is just on the other side of this door. Now repeat after me."

Austin and Marco listened to the man, and repeated after-













The two boys had finished singing, and Toymaker seemed very proud.

He says, "Splendid, children! Do you have any idea what you've done for me? You have done me well. Now come along, come along." He led them to the dark door. "It's just behind this door..."

He slowly creaked the door opened, but Austin and Marco were terrified to see their perfect toy.

Their dog, Waldo, now had button eyes. He had only chunks of fabric for skin, and any skin that was left on was rotting off already. He had a voice box and could listen. He could still bark, and now he could sing. He could still walk, but now he can dance. He can still eat, and can still taste. He can still see, but can't blink. He can still listen, but at all times.
Their dog had been turned into a toy with horrifying features.

Both boys seemed absolutely traumatized by the sight of it.

The Toymaker slowly turned to the boys, and says with his real voice, "...I really do hope you enjoy it."

{ End of Part II }

"It's the exit! See you soon, my dears."

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