SMILE: Help Yourself (8)

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October 31, 1981
The Mirror World

Third Person's POV
It had been a few months since the rampage Liam went on. Since the massacre at the Mirror World's Edge. But a few weeks ago, he decided to ask the richest Marsh family in the Mirror World for a pawn they possessed; a child; someone who most considered to be a weapon and a tool. A girl, who had no name, and was often traded to others who wanted to use her as their own weapon or chess piece. The only names she knew to respond to were Arachnid, Kid, and Flower.

He only wanted her so he can try to quit his violent ways. He didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. He didn't want to relive his past mistakes. But he thought, as long as he wasn't the one hurting others, then it wouldn't be as bad as it once was.

Over the few weeks the Araneidan girl and Liam knew each other, they bonded, even though she didn't know how to speak.

"Oh... This scrape? It's... It's nothing. I was tripped by this mouth breather Lake. ...A mouth breather is a knucklehead. ...And a knucklehead is a dumb person. Understand?"

She always listened to him.

"I think you and my other friend would get along. I haven't told her about you, but I plan to. She'd like you. Who knows? Maybe some day you guys will meet each other."

She wasn't used to being someone's figurative therapist. She wasn't actually his therapist, but by the way he explains everything to her and is honest with her, one would think she was his non-speaking therapist.

"You should eat. You don't always have to wait for me to tell you if it's okay for you to do things, such as eating or even sleeping. If you're tired, sleep. If you're hungry, eat. All right?"

He wasn't sure of how to talk to her sometimes, but he did always look out for her, and tried to make sure she was having experiences all children should have, such as trick-or-treating.

     "Here. You go up to houses, ring the doorbell, and once they answer the door, you say, 'trick-or-treat.' Just hope they give you candy, and not tricks. ...Actually, I guess you're not much of a talker... It's fine."

But once he ordered her to assassinate a man she knew, she couldn't do it. She didn't want to. She didn't want to listen anymore. Liam lost his temper and tried to lead her back to the Mirror World, but a certain Jester stopped him and helped her.

Liam knew the Jester would take better care of her than he ever could. He realized he needed to sort his issues out on his own now.

So when he left, he didn't look back. He didn't feel guilty or upset. He was happy for her. This is her chance to start her own life, make it go the direction she wants it to. Jester will help her, since he himself is doing the same thing. I need to at least try to do the same.

When he walked through a mirror, the first person he saw was the Araneidan who was in charge of who the girl were to be traded off to. The Araneidan woman was named Orochi.

     "Why isn't Arachnid with you?" Orochi instantly asked him as if she was interrogating him.

Liam appeared confused. He only ever referred to the girl as 'kid.' "Huh?"

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