SMILE: It's Just a Burning Memory (7)

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June 26, 1981
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
After the massacre that happened just yesterday by the World's Edge in the Mirror World, Joplin found Liam, and was able to restrain him and brought him to the doctors, who he knew Liam hated.

The doctors held Liam in an empty room, where his hands were tied together while somehow locked to the table in front of him, as he sat in a chair.

One of the doctors, Dr. Newton, walked in, with a subject; 015, otherwise known as Yuda. Liam glared at them.

"Good morning," Dr. Newton greeted. When Liam didn't care to respond, he proceeded to say, "So... You're alive. I must say, I was surprised to find out you are now the Prince of the Mirror World? Is that what you've been doing these past 17 years?" He sighed. "You went on a rampage yesterday, destroying anyone who got in your way... I've dealt with kids like you before. You're all the same."

After a brief moment of silence, Liam asks him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your biggest wish growing up was to become powerful and respected, wasn't it? Become so strong that no one could look down on you anymore."

"So?" Liam shrugged. "That's what everyone wants."

Dr. Newton nodded. "Yes, but the problem here is that your wish came true. So now you think you can do whatever you want, right?" He explains, "What you don't understand is that everyone in society has a role to fulfill. You're lost. Mindlessly throwing power around... You haven't got a clue what to do. You have absolutely no control. That's why all people like you are doomed to fail."

Liam snapped, and tried to tug on the handcuffs connected to the table, trying to pull his hands back to try to hurt the man. "You shut up! You don't know a thing about me! I conquered half the Mirror World all by myself! I'll show you!" He stood up. "I'll kick your fucking ass right now!"

"Sit back down, boy."

     "Oh, yeah? Face me, you abusive prick-!"

Dr. Newton slapped him across the face. As an instinct, Liam kicked him in the shin.

"Don't touch me." Liam glared at the man.

Dr. Newton then sighs and looks at Yuda, and Yuda instantly grabbed Liam's head and slammed it onto the table, causing his nose to crack and bleed.

Liam groaned in pain as he sat back up. "Ugh...!"

"Know your place, child." Dr. Newton looked down on him. "I am a professional doctor and scientist, and you're nothing but a little brat! So behave yourself!"

After a moment, Dr. Newton opened a file and brought out photos that the doctors took. The photos were pictures of all of Liam's victims in the past 15 years. The retired doctors, the Mirror World creatures, the Queen, the man who was once the Prince, even the creatures from yesterday.

Dr. Newton tells him, "Now, take a look at what you did. This is the aftermath of your rampages over the years, or rather, the massacre."

Liam didn't even look at the photos. He didn't want to. "Yeah, I destroyed them all. So what? Get in someone's way, and you'll get punished. Everyone knows that."

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