SMILE: The Cruel Prince (5)

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Miyo's POV
Liam and I met after he attempted to save the Princess, Ares, from an Araneidan who was hurting her. He was able to hurt the Araneidan without even using any powers or abilities. He used nothing but a lead pipe and ripped off the Araneidan's spider legs with his bare hands. I was just beat up a few minutes before I saw them.

I admired him. I've always been weak and never possessed a strong gift, but he proved to me that it didn't matter what kind of gift I have or if I don't have one at all! I can still be strong.

I thought things could only go up from there!

Liam was apparently friends with Ares before. But he told me not to mention it to her. Ares wasn't allowed to use most of the powers she had, as ordered by Joplin. So I assumed she was in the lower-classes.

The three of us got along well because we shared that in common — being seen as weaklings. We always supported each other and we had a lot of fun together!

Even though Liam could fight, Ares was still the strongest of the three of us. Whenever we ran into trouble, she always did her best to protect us. It didn't always work out... But we got used to these run-ins eventually.

Aside from the occasional beat-downs, I was pretty content with the way things were. But... I was a bit concerned for Liam.

     "Hey, something wrong?"

He often seemed frustrated and angry.

     "Don't you guys think it's unfair? Why do we have do deal with all this bullshit? While other people get to do whatever they want just because they are stronger? It's so stupid!"

     "Hey, cheer up. That's just how it is... There's nothing we can do about it, anyway."

Liam had a lot of trouble coming to terms with reality.

During our first month being friends, I had my first vision of Liam. Of course he didn't believe me... Looking back, it must've sounded so stupid. Even so... He'd often sneak away, and try to get this "gift" to work. Deep down, he really wished it were true. Liam couldn't stand being as powerless as he was.
He always wanted to be stronger... so that he could win.

February 25, 1980

Third Person's POV
Injured, Miyo looked at Liam as four Marshes and Araneidans had just beat up the three of them. Liam wasn't backing down.

Miyo yells to him, "Liam, just stay down! We can't beat them!"

The first Marsh rolled up his sleeve. "Well, lookie here. Little cripple Liam still wants to act tough? Even though he's the weakest of us all?"

One of the Araneidans says, "Must suck to not have an ability, huh? Let me show you what having a useful one looks like!" She stretched out her arm, about to shoot a string of webs at Liam. "Watch closely!"

Liam glared at them and stood, but not in fear.

Ares seemed to have noticed something as she weakly stood next to Miyo. "Miyo... Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

The two of them saw shadows growing on the walls behind Liam. The group seemed to notice, as well, and Liam noticed his surroundings getting darker.

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