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Part Three: I Feel as if I Might Be Vanishing

March 13, 1953
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
The lab had decided to restart the program, but they'd invite different college students to join. They erased Victor Robinson, Odette Dawson, Iris Flores, Daniel Boyd, and Kuriko Nakano from their files, from all documents.

This time, six different students joined the program, unsure of what they are going to be doing. The doctors have been monitoring them for some time, without their notice.

Noriko Tano (female, age 25), Jack Walten (male, age 24), Freddie Romero (male, age 20), Raven Bell (female, age 18), Stanley Pines (male, age 21), and May Baker (female, age 22).

They all have "remarkable skills," as well, or have been brought in because the doctors believe they are special.

Noriko is here because of her intelligence. She has a high IQ and even studies in college while being a housewife, with her husband and 4 year old son.

Freddie is here because he claims to see the future. He can't.

Raven is here because she can actually predict the future. She's very spiritual, as well, and claims to sense the auras of others. Everything she says about what will happen is insanely accurate.

Stanley is here because his therapist believes he's a paranoid schizophrenic. He always believes he's seeing things and has delusions and hallucinations. The doctors believe paranoid schizophrenia isn't the case.

Jack is here because he often has intense déjà vu.

And May is here because she is very lucky, but isn't aware of it. She manages to avoid getting even the tiniest scratch in dangerous scenarios, but if she was just any average person, she would've gotten very injured.

They all went to the same school, and seemed to recognize each other.

May and Stanley were friends, so they were staying close to one another.

Noriko stared at all of them, then a doctor, William L, walked into the room. He seemed calm.

Dr. William L. says, "Good morning, students. I assume you all have been given a brief summary of what you are here for?"

Stanley shook his head in response, and Noriko says, "No, I haven't. I can't speak for everyone else."

May says, "I haven't, either."

In the corner of his eyes, Stanley sees a dark, shadowy figure lurking in the mirror.

...What the hell is that...?!

He was about to poke May's arm to ask if she sees the shadow, but he didn't when he remembered what everyone always says: "Nothing's there. It's probably just your imagination."
He shook it off, then proceeded to focus his attention on the others he was with.

Dr. William proceeds to say, "Well... For this program, you will all be bound by wounds."

Suspicious, Raven asks, "What do you mean?"

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