Don't Look Away (2)

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Part Two: She's Sailing on the Sea of Dreams...

Third Person's POV
There was a new family that the girl with long lilac hair was sworn to protect and serve. 

The Sapphirus family. A family of Marshes. They are known for being the richest family in the Mirror World, and for having someone in the family who is able to give life back to the dead.

The head of the family, Azrael, is a very popular being. He is kind and understanding, but doesn't accept major mistakes.

Azrael's wife, Mara, is very kind and generous. Her voice and words can be powerful, but doesn't have any powers or abilities. She often seems depressed.

But the lilac haired girl was given a task when being traded to this family: protect Eva, Azrael and Mara's 10-year-old daughter.

September 11, 1981
The Mirror World

"He's here! He's here!" said Eva as she ran down the stairs of her home, after hearing the doorbell ring.

"Okay, okay, calm down, girly," Mara chuckled. "I know it's your birthday, but don't hurt yourself going down those stairs."

Azrael opened the door, seeing a Puppet named Unmei by the door, holding a gift.

Unmei was handsome, tall, and very scrawny. He wore white gloves on his skeleton hands, and he had pointy elf ears. His skin was alabaster white and he had candy apple red hair. He had black button eyes, rosy cheeks, and his skin was shiny, like a porcelain doll. He wore a tiny, black top hat, a yellow, blue and green polka-dotted red blazer with black and red striped sleeves and a white collar, black and white checkered pants, and shiny black shoes.

The box he was holding appeared as a present/gift. The wrapping paper was black with white polkadots, and the bow was boysenberry purple, all three colors were Eva's favourites.

"Loony!" Eva smiled.

As Unmei stepped in to give Eva her birthday gift, Azrael looked around, as if he were looking for something.

Azrael looks at Mara and asks, "Where is she?"

Mara looked around, too, "Oh, um... I'm not quite sure-"

The girl with long lilac hair stepped in from the back door, holding a flower.

She wasn't wearing dirty shorts and a t-shirt anymore, and was now in a clean, short, white dress Eva let her borrow.

Mara looked at the flower she was holding. "Is that-"

Eva looked up at them and says, "She was in the garden! I told her to pick out a flower she likes."

"Eve, these flowers take a while to grow."

"But there's a thousand of them! And she only took one," Eva pointed out, defending the lilac haired girl.

Azrael looked at his wife and daughter, then at the girl, then at Unmei. "Uh, Unmei, this is-"

"I remember. She used to protect Aeron and Dáinn, the Araneidan and Marsh," Unmei recalled. He was talking, but his mouth wasn't moving. "They came by my shop once before."

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