SMILE: You Deserve Better (3)

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[ A/N: ik that the music is short but it's literally only for this first section of the chapter- but enjoy :) ]

February 20, 1980
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
Liam was sitting on the edge of a bed, sitting next to an eight-year-old girl, who he considers a friend.

She had a very small and frail figure. She had light/medium skin with pink undertones, deep black hair that reached her elbows, she had onyx brown eyes, and freckles sprinkled on her face. She had a bold 000 tattoo on the left side of her neck.
Subject Zero; otherwise known as Project SMILES in the laboratory files.

She was holding a stuffed animal bunny, which looked new.

"I don't know what to name it..." Eight-year-old Zero said. "Is there a name you know?"

Liam looked at the bunny for a moment, then shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I'm glad you finally got something you asked for on your birthday, though."

Zero smiled, then hugged the stuffed animal. After a moment, she looked up at Liam, and seemed upset. "Why have you been gone?"

Liam quietly sighs and pats her head. "Sorry. Something happened a few days ago and now I have two new idiots in my life. Well, one isn't really new, I just... haven't talked to her in a long time. But the other one? He's... Well, you'd get along. That's all I can really say."

Zero giggled at his response. "What is their names?"

"Well... Ares and Miyo. I think Miyo would like you, but I don't think he'd be able to meet you. It's a bit complicated."

When she heard the name 'Miyo', a soft amazed look shifted on her face. "Miyo?"

Liam nodded. "Yeah, Miyo. He's nice, but being around him is so draining because he has the energy of a bullet. He's like one of my cousins, who I was eleven years older than. One time, when no one was talking, Miyo just screamed out of nowhere then went back to normal just because he doesn't like silence." He softly smiled, being reminded of the memory he had just talked about.

Zero smiled, too, and her smile grew when she looked at her bunny. "Can I name my bunny Miyo?"

He looked at her, and his smile grew, as well. "Heh, yeah. How come?"

She looked up at him again with a smile. "So it's like I can talk to him, too!"

Liam adored her reply. Zero moved her bunny's, Miyo's, arm to make it seem like the bunny was waving at him.

[ 3 Hours Later ]
Void River
Mirror World

Liam was sitting on the ground, dropping pebbles and stones into Void River, with Ares and Miyo. They were just trying to find out how far the pebbles would go down, but it's entirely pointless since the river is completely black and utter darkness. They were just bored.

Ares believes Liam does have Shade-like gifts, even though he doesn't believe he does. But how does he explain how he doesn't show up on the cameras at the laboratory where he visits his friend? How does he explain how he can rip apart groups of people with his bare hands? I may have to ask Joplin. He knows more than we think.

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