The Fire

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"Axel!" Mitch cried, "Where are you!? We have to get out of here! The building is on fire! This whole place is coming down!"

"I don't think he's in here Mitch! Maybe he got out! Maybe he's safely outside, waiting for us!" Kevin reassured.

"Don't be silly Kevin! He doused himself in gasoline, he lit himself, and the whole building on fire. Axel's still here! His body wouldn't be that strong enough to get out of here."

Kevin groaned, coughing out more smoke that he inhaled. "You know I had really bad asthma as a kid! I have to get out of's not good for my health! When- If you find Axel, I'll be waiting for the both of you!"

Kevin headed for the buildings exit, he wanted to leave the door open, so that maybe the smoke could clear the air inside the building, helping Mitch see. But he didn't want to pollute the air any worse than it already was. He reached in his pocket, dialing 9-1-1 to report about FazBear's Fright burning to the ground.

Back inside, Mitch had scene Axel, or what he thought was him. It was his turquoise shirt, keyword is was. Axel didn't really have a favorite piece of clothing to wear, he was fine in whatever that fits. Mitch yanked up the torn clothing, using it to help him breathe better.

He wondered into the security office, and could hear metallic scrapping. Mitch couldn't see what it was, but it was SpringTrap, trying to escape. SpringTrap turned to see Mitch, frowning. He wanted to take out Mitch so badly, he was all by himself, and couldn't see where he was, let alone where he was going.

"One'll be next." He declared, crawling through the small floor vent.

Mitch left the security office, limping, coughing, he was pushing his limit. The ceiling was caving in, it would take some sort of miracle for him for Axel to magically appear infront of him. But, when you wish upon a star, miracles do come true. In the distance was the arcade machines, and Axel slouched over one of them. He was unconscious, he inhale too much smoke. Mitch hurried to grab him, but more parts of the ceiling fell, blocking his path.

Mitch tried to lift the bits and pieces off, to clear the path, but they were scorching hot, sharp, and very pointy.

A gust of heat from the bursted pipes burned the back of Mitch's neck, causing him to fall in the ground in agonizing pain. Before he passed out, he desperately tried to call out Axel's name.

Mitch fell unconscious, he opened his eyes, in a seemingly pitch black room. There was no one there, no one other than him and SpringTrap.

SpringTrap begun to walk closer to him, his body- well, the suit had been badly damaged. The endoskeleton was exposed more, you could see what looked to be human remains.

"What...what are you?" Mitch questioned, but he didn't get an answer. SpringTrap stood infront of Mitch, his body twitched. He leaned forward, touching the temple of his forehead.

"I always come back."

Mitch shot up, clutching his body. He winced in pain, lying back down. He was in...a hospital...? He was hooked to all kinds of wires and machines.

"You're finally awake now." Kevin spoke, putting down his book. He got up from the chair, sitting on the bed, kissing Mitch on his lips.

Mitch held his arms up, touching Kevin, trying to make sense that he wasn't dreaming, and that he truly was alive.

" did I escape the building? W....where am I....?"

"You in the hospital of course. The fire department rescued you. After I got out the building, I immediately called for help. They got here about 15 minutes later, by the time they pulled you and Axel out, the building finally had came down. It's guys had a spirit watching over you, holding the building up until you escaped."

"Axel...where is he? Where is-."

Kevin smiled, "You sure do love to talk about Axel don't you....He's in another room. With police and FBI guarding him 24/7...I had to give them his last name, even if I used the last name of his mother, it wouldn't matter."

Mitch tried to get out of bed, to find Axel's room. Kevin held him down, calling for a nurse to sedate Mitch again. "You love Axel...don't you?" He whisperingly teared up.

The nurse knocked on the door, pushing in a cart of medicine and food. Kevin let go of Mitch, excusing himself out the room.

"How are you feeling Mr..."


"Right, how are you feeling Mr Miller?"

"The burn scars hurt like hell. But that doesn't matter, what did you guys do to Axel!?"

"Legally, I am not allowed to say. He's alive, he somehow has less injuries compared to you, considering he started the fire, he miraculously doesn't have a single burn scar on his body!"

Mitch began to drown out the nurse, he could hear crying, he wasn't sure who it was, but the voice sounded more so like an adult male.

I always come back.

Mitch let out a gasp, his eyes widened, he begun to panic in fear.

"Mr Miller calm down! What happened!?"

"Voices! I-I heard a voice inside my head! Did they ever find the bunny animatronic!?"

"Bunny animatronic? There was no reports of a bunny animatronic...did something happen?"

Mitch calmed down, "No....I'm sorry about the outburst. I haven't gotten sleep in a while, that's probably why." Kevin came back into the room, he was unhappy, he was upset. The nurse took her leave, leaving the pair to talk about things, regarding them and their relationship.

Kevin didn't speak to Mitch, instead started to pack up whatever he took, wanting to go home.


Kevin let out a deep exhale, "I...I'm going home, if I don't call you later, I'll come back and visit in the morning."

"Kevin, I don't love him! I only love you!"

"That's what you want to believe." He said, slamming the door, leaving Mitch's room.

There was a knock at Mitch's door, he told the person to come in, and it was Axel. For once in his life, he had a smile on his face.

"You look like hell." He joked, coming in the room.

"Yeah, well not only do I have 2nd degree burns, I just lost my boyfriend. He thinks I'm in love with you!"

Axel sat down on the edge of the bed, "Well..are you?"

Mitch scoffed rolling his eyes, "You and I are just friends Axel! I told Kevin that I only love him, but he doesn't believe it! Don't know how I'm gonna get him back..."

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me. Kiss me on my lips, and how you feel after the kiss will determine if you love me or not."

"I'm not kissing you. I'm not cheating on Kevin."

"He already suspects you of loving me, so just tell him you kissed me to prove the fact you don't."

Axel closed his eyes, leaning forward to kiss Mitch on his lips. Mitch pushed Axel away, per-claiming that he couldn't.

"Well, there's your answer." Axel coldly stated, walking out of Mitch's room.

"Where are you going?" Mitch asked.

"Into questioning. I'm alive aren't I?"

"You didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, but my father did."

Mitch got out the bed, trying to run after Axel, but he felt weak in the knees. He begun to crawl on his stomach, as best as he could.

"This is pathetic..." Axel whispered. He closed the door on Mitch, leaving him to sob on the floor, now he lost two boyfriends, within 10 minutes of each other.

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