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"Hide in here!" Mary told him, pushing him into the closet. Emil nodded, getting inside and it was a tight fit. He was starting to cough, he had really bad asthma as a child, but it eventually would go away.

Mary covered Emil's mouth with the palm of her hand, she watched as the costumer walked past, drunk, searching for Mary and Emil since they often played 'hide and seek' with him.

"Did you find them?" The Puppeteer man asked.

"No, those children are fast, fuck..."

"Watch your mouth, profanity never has and never will be tolerated in the theatre during hours."

The drunken costume rolled his eyes, heading back to the theatre stage where he had to preform in a few minutes.

"I don't know why Marvin hasn't fired you show up every day, a constant raging drunk. You don't care about the kids, you just need the money."

The Puppeteer walked into the back room, continue to mutter to himself, that is until Marylin's father needed him to preform. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she took her hand off Emil's mouth, it was covered in his saliva.

"Pardon..." He said.

Mary wiped her hand off on her dress in disgust, the two got out the closet together, lying down on the floor.

"Do you think Aliens exist?" Emil asked.

Mary paused to think about it, "No, why?"

Emil shrugged, "I think they do. I've been thinking about it a lot recently, my cousin sometimes calls at night, and he says 'the night's here are scary and dim. It'll rain really loudly, then it goes back to being silent for a while for a brief moment, then back to being loud once again'... since he's in the military..."

"You know I don't know what that means.." Mary mumbled.

"I'll teach you French!..." Emil offered. "We can get started right now!"

Mary looked up at the clock, "It's almost 4 o'clock, we're closing dad will-."

"Mary!" Her father called out.

"Uh oh...I gotta go!" She said, getting off the dusty back room floor. Emil hugged her goodbye, kissing her on the cheek walking her up to the entrance to meet with her father and younger brother.

"See you tomorrow..." he mouthed, waving.

She smiled waving back, leaving the theatre with her family.

"Emile, where are you!?" His aunt called out in a French-English accent.

"À venir!" (Coming!)

"Your mother has been driving me sick! She won't stop going on and on, about how you should be studying instead of chasing after an 'American roturière' (commoner)..."

"Mother can go to hell." He replied, getting inside his Aunt's cramped car with his 5 other elder brothers.

(Antonia would be 2 at the time of this, Josephine would be 1, and Louisa would be in her mother's womb...)

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