The Turtle - 1983

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Oh y'all finna be upset, I'm updating this book compared to the other ones lmaooo

Lance ran down the stairs in a panic, holding in his hand his animal cage, where his pet turtle 'Fredbear' used to live.

"Mommy, mommy!" He cried.

Martha turned, looking down at her son, "What's the matter sweetie?"

"I can't find Fredbear, my turtle!" He cried.

Martha lowered the temperature on the stove. Placing the wooden spoon to the side, she lowered down. "Where did you see him last?" She asked.

"In my room! Before I left for school."

"Maybe you took him out? Maybe you played with him, and forgot to bring him back?"

Lance shook his head no, "I would never forget!" He cried.

Martha sighed, realizing she wasn't gonna get anywhere with her stubborn child. "Alright, I'll help you look for it." She told him.

Lance took his mothers hand, traveling to the various places of the house where he might've lost Fredbear. First was the parents room, next the bathroom, Lance's room, Elizabeth's room, Axel's room. Outside in the back out, outside on the front porch. Checked the kitchen, dining room, and finally the living room.

"I don't see him sweetie!" Martha said, "We can buy you another Fredbear, they're cheap these days anyways..." She whispered that last bit.

"He's in here somewhere I can feel it!"

Lance noticed Axel secretly watching the hunt, he put down the turtle glass and walked over to him.

"What did you do with Fredbear!?" He demanded, "I know you took him! Where is he!?"

Axel gritted his teeth, looking down at Lance with pure disgust. "I didn't take the damn thing!" He yelled. "You lost it, now you're trying to blame me for it! God, you're such a child...."

"Axel!" Martha scoffed.

Lance ran over to 'punch' Axel. It wasn't as effective as he thought it would be. After all, he was 6, Axel was 13. Axel ended up smacking Lance on the back of his arm, as Lance fell on the ground, immediately crying.

"Axel, your father warned you about hitting...." Martha groaned.

"He was trying to hit me!" Axel said, in defense.

"It doesn't matter. You're older and bigger than him."

Axel sucked his teeth, turning his head to mumble the word 'Bitch' under his breath.

Just then, the doors to their house barfed open. It was Elizabeth coming back from school, and William following behind her.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"Lance lost his turtle, he thinks Axel took it. So he tried to hit Axel, missed, and Axel hit him back."

"Oh." William shrugged.

"You're not gonna discipline him?"

William shook his head, "Why should I? Lance attacked him."

"He tried, but failed!"

"Doesn't matter. Self defense is self defense. If it was Elizabeth and Lance fighting, you wouldn't make a big deal, because 'that's what siblings do'...."

Martha rolled her eyes, "Have you seen the turtle or not?"

"It got run over. Lance didn't put it back in the cage, crawled out the door behind me and Lizzie this morning. It got in the street, crushed to death, ran over, by a passing car. So I kicked it down the rain drain."

Elizabeth nodded, "It happened earlier. Stupid turtle...."

"Elizabeth!" Martha scoffed.

William retreated upstairs to the bedroom, giving Axel a quick glance. It meant, apologize, even if you did nothing wrong.

"Martha....I'm sorry for hitting Lance, and calling you a bitch."

She smiled softly, "Wait you called me a what-."

"Axel, come finish your homework!" William shouted from upstairs, noticing Axel's half started homework on his bed.

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