A Pet Bird | The Royal Family

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SJ burst open the castle doors, his eyes widened in awe, he spotted his father hanging up one of the final sets of Christmas decorations.

"Father!" He called out, "SJ wants to help put up decorations too!"

Shadow Candy turned his head in confusion at his son, "Sorry SJ, but you can't!" BlackRabbit told him, "You're far too little, and you quite yet tapped into any of your magical capabilities just yet..." She reminded.

SJ let out a sigh of annoyance, "You didn't unlock yours either at my age..." He muttered under his breath to his mom.

Shadow Candy climbed down from the ladder, "We're almost done anyways! There's nothing left for anyone to do. We don't need anymore help in here." Shadow Candy reassured him.

"What about the star?" SJ asked, pointing to the top of the tree.

"Star? I just put one up there...." Shadow Candy said, turning back towards the tree to double check if he was going insane or if he really had forgotten to place a star. "Huh, I guess I forgot..."

SJ's eyes lit up, "Then, does that mean-."

"No." Both his parents cut him off.

SJ burst into dramatic tears, as any 4 year old child his age would do after being told no. He ran out the room, proclaiming that he hated his mother and father.

Shadow Candy and BlackRabbit watched their sons dramatic runaway, with a hand placed on their hip, "Shall I do fetch his young majesty?" One of the lady's in waiting asked.

"Please." BlackRabbit responded back. The lady in waiting bowed her head, walking off to follow SJ.

"You have very few of them." Shadow Candy commented.

"Few of what?" BlackRabbit asked, turning to her husband.

"Ladies in waiting, you only have about 6. Most queens are expected to at least have 20 or more."

"You have 0." She clapped back at him.

"A king whomst is faithful to his wife should need any ladies in waiting."

"Are you insulating that I haven't been faithful to you?" She questioned.

Shadow Candy paused, "How about you ask my penis that." He winked.

She hummed, "I'll think about it."

Just then, the couple was interrupted by their son returning from his outburst, "Father, mother, I want a pet!" He demanded.

"A pet?" Shadow Candy questioned.

SJ nodded, "I don't want a dumb cat or a stupid bunny, those are boring animals, that don't last very long!"

(How ironic considering SJ is a cat-bunny hybrid since his parents are-)

"You can't," BlackRabbit began, "You're far too-."

"Young for my age?" SJ cut her off. He smirked, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a photograph of his father at his age, with his pet Cerberus, a 3 headed black dog.

"Where did you get that from?" Shadow Candy asked.

"It fell out of fathers pocket last week, I've kept it ever since, waiting for the perfect time to use it." SJ smirked.

Shadow Candy turned to BlackRabbit, "What do you think?"

She shrugged, "Do you think he's ready?"

Shadow Candy shrugged, "It's either we get him a pet, or he keeps bothering Jr and the weasel twins. Besides, I don't think SJ is well liked at school, I think the kids find him 'weird' or they tease him for being royalty. Don't forget the fact his classmates can do small things with magic, and he still hasn't-."

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