Dear Brother

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Dear Cody, how have you been? I've been fine, although lately I've been in a little trouble...

Mom's been smoking, she says it's something she's done before, however once she got with dad, he was the only one able to 'get her to stop'... whatever that means, I think it means sex....Like, he would uhh fuck her to temporarily calm her urges to smoke.

Although, mom and dad rarely had sex when we were growing up. Maybe they were trying to focus on being parents. Whenever they did have sex, it wasn't really obvious since they would both look miserable and drained the next day.

Maybe Mom was just stress smoking? Sex is believed to be a good stress reliever...I don't know, all I know is I'll never pick up a cigarette a day in my life.

How's dad been? Mom claims that she's over and done with him. However, she still keeps little things that belonged to him. Like, a stuffed toy he won for her at a carnival. Old pictures of them when they were dating, and she still dresses like the day he met her. Also, I found this picture of him holding her stomach when she was pregnant witn us..they seemed happy...odd... Anyways, Mom's seeing a new man by the way.

I like him, he's a really nice man whose patient with mom. He knows how to cook better, he makes her smile, laugh, and bring out her happiness. Plus he makes a lot of money, so all he does is spoil mom dry, and that keeps her happy..

Which (don't get me wrong) is good for her, ever since dad and her divorced, she's been really sad, miserable, and stressed. Hence, why she started smoking 'again'.

You remember that day, right? When you and dad left us for good, a week after we graduated.
When we got home that day mom cried. I didn't know what to do, and it was stressing me out. Seeing your mother cry like that, at 17.

*Graduated in June, they would've been 18 in December. 

She likes him too, so hopefully they last long.
Don't tell dad about this though! Maybe...I should scribble this out before I send it ove? Meh, hopefully I remember! >_<

Junior has been doing fine, he's starting to speak Spanish more and embrace his culture. (Although, he's like 4 fricken cultures in one.) Lucky him, he has such a large and diverse world going on around him that he doesn't seem to know about.

His parents have been putting in the effort, he just...doesn't care i guess? Or maybe he's just tired, being a Royal Godchild isn't such a light task. He's always over there, and he hates it. I feel like he's just scared to say no, something he gets from Uncle Candy. Like mother like son, I guess.

Unlike us, we're half of what mom is and half British. She's like this Asian mix, not like European Asian, like an actual Asian. I think it was Korean maybe? She didn't really care that much, she got it from her mom. I'll ask uncle Candy though, he was the main one who wanted to know about it. 

Schools been going great. I've applied to like 4 different colleges and got rejected all 4 times! Ha! There's 13 hours of my life I'll never get back! I did apply to this community college that's nearby our house, hopefully I'll get accepted!!!

What about you? Does the UK have like a college system? I can't remember...I know I've been over there a few times, but that was just like during vacation or like when I used to come see dad sometimes and catch up.

I've been practicing my British accent, I think it's good! I'm practically a natural coming from dads side!

Do you think mom misses dad? I feel like she does, she's just to stubborn to admit it. I do like Mr Cade, but I have this gut feeling he'll wear her out, and leave her to be alone again. I wonder if dad misses her too, could you ask him? I know I miss him. I miss how he used to be there for me at my games, and how we used to sometimes get ice cream when we were little. We were a happy family, even if they were not.

Whenever she wasn't crying, she came downstairs to check on me. She clinged to me, I didn't want to look her in her eyes, but when I did she looked dead. She looked empty.

I think that's everything I wanted to say...if not, you'll get a follow up letter in the mail like a few days later... Anyways, hope you're doing well, and I'll update you within my next letter. Hope to see you soon, and miss you lots!

little brother Cole.

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