Bring Your Child To Work Day

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SJ showed his parents the homework assignment—It was to observe their parents work environment, and write a report on what they do, and how they do it. They also had to take note if this was the type of job they'd want in their future. That's kinda a lot for a bunch of 4 year olds, isn't it?

SJ decided to go with his father first, he figured his father had the 'cooler' job, being the king and all. Compared to his mother, who mostly sat around and stood to the back while her husband did all the work.

BlackRabbit waved her husband and child goodbye, as she headed to do her 'duties' for the day. SJ took his fathers hand, as they walked across the castle grounds, they walked to the West Wing of the plot, inside a building. It was quite, chilly in there.

"Father, where are we going? It's cold." SJ whined.

"Yeah, I know...during the winter, this side doesn't get much heat, for some odd reason. Just imagine how hot the summer will be!" He groaned.

They walked towards a large door, guards bowed, allowing the king and prince to proceed.

"Your majesty's..." The guard took notice of SJ, so immediately they struck with a question. "Your majesty, isn't his royal heir a little young to view what goes on in here?"

"Nonsense! I was just a fetus in my mothers stomach watching this as well." He joked with a laugh.

The guard didn't appreciate the joke, but it was better than a rash king who executed those who questioned his authority.

"Hold my hand son. So you don't fall down the stairs by accident, or get snatched by an angry spirit!"

SJ panicked, he clung his fathers leg tightly, as the pair made their way down the steps, to what appeared to be a 'torture basement' which held criminals, or people Shadow Candy just didn't like.

Shadow Candy and SJ walked further more into the room, into another room. This room was small, 7 men stood with their heads down, and there was a large chair at the end of the rectangular table which the chair was presumably for Shadow Candy to sit in as he faced the accused.

Shadow Candy sat down at the chair, lifting SJ on his lap. SJ's eyes widened, he took his notebook out his bookbag as he started to write down in it.

The notes were nothing massive, just the following

Walked to the West Corridor from North
Cold Building
Lots of walking
Room full of scary men
Sat on my dad's lap

Shadow Candy lightly laughed, seeing his 'fancy' his sons handwriting was, something he clearly inhabited from his mother.

One of the gentleman cleared his throat, Shadow Candy looked up.

"Oh, right. Bring forth the accused!" He demanded.

The doors flung open, a man beaten and bloodied with little to no clothes on, tied down by ropes was dragged in. He coughed, spitting up blood. Shadow Candy lightly snatched SJ back, it would've been an earful from his mother if he allowed blood to get on his clothes.

"Read what he's been charged with." Shadow Candy ordered.

"Right, you majesty... *clears throat* disturbing the peace,  being publicly drunk, assault, theft, arson, fraud, treason, trespassing, smuggling drugs, impersonation-."

"Stop." Shadow Candy lowered his hand, turning to the accused. "So, is this true?"

The accused shook his head, "Not all of it! Sure, I've been drunk in public and gotten into a few fights, but I've never stole, and I wouldn't do drugs!"

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