Febuary 18th 1982

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It was a cold morning, as most February mornings were. It was a Saturday none the less, Axel didn't need to be up in time to wake his younger step siblings Elizabeth and Lance up.

Axel left his room, he headed downstairs to see his father William dressed in his usual purple suit, reading the morning paper while sipping some coffee. His sister Elizabeth was messily eating her cereal, the milk spilled everywhere. Lance barely touched his food at all, instead he held his Fredbear plush tight to himself.

"Lance, you have to eat something darling, or else I'll have to give you those food bars that you don't like."

Lance held his plushie closer to him, William lowered his paper, "Your mother is right. You're becoming underweight for a kid your age. At least take a few bites of the eggs, you can save everything else for later, okay?"

Lance nodded with his thumb in his mouth, he took it out so he could eat his eggs. He dropped Fredbear on the floor during the process of it.

"I'll get it!" Axel offered, but Lance quickly snatched Fredbear off the floor, humphing at Axel.

"Glad to see you woke, happy birthday, son." William said, getting up to tightly hug Axel, ruffling his already unkempt bed hair.

"Happy Birthday Axel, I've made you some breakfast." Martha said, placing a plate of food in Axel's arms. "You don't have to eat it here in the kitchen, you can go back upstairs to your room, or eat it while watching TV."

"No!" Lance cried, "Fredbear and Friends is coming on soon!"

"It's just a rerun..." Elizabeth muttered.

Martha placed her hand on her chin, turning to William for a little help.

"Lance, it's not your birthday today, it's Axels. If it was your birthday, I'd tell both Elizabeth and Axel to let you watch TV at breakfast for the day, please don't whine about it."

Lance went back to sucking on his teeth, he feared William, he feared him the most whenever he was being yelled at by him.

The doorbell of the Afton household rang, Elizabeth got up to go answer it.

"Uncle Henry!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning Elizabeth, how are you doing?"

"Is Charlie with you!?"

"No, she's not. She's actually waiting in the car, she doesn't like the cold, neither do I..." He said, pointing to Charlie watching from the window.

"Oh. What are you doing here then?"

"It's Axel's birthday isn't it? I came to give him a gift. You're only 12 once, after all. I remember when I was 12...It was... 1962 I believe, when..." He said, trailing off a lot a story from the past.

Axel came to see what Elizabeth was doing, and he noticed Henry talking her to death about a memory from the past.

"Uncle Henry...?" Axel questioned, tapping his shoulder lightly, breaking him free.

"Axel! Happy Birthday! I got you a gift, I know that you'll like it!" He said, handing it to him.

Axel began to tear the gift open, but was stopped by Henry. "Don't open it yet, wait till later. Where's your father by the way? He hasn't been answering any of my calls..."

"Reading his paper, as he always is..."

Henry growled, he heard Charlie angrily honking his car horn, telling him she was ready to leave.

"Just tell him to call me...okay? Something..happened yesterday at work, that he needs to know about."

Axel and Elizabeth waved goodbye to Henry and Charlie, a windy breeze picked up, making Elizabeth sneeze from the cold.

"You better get back inside..." Axel said, "you're wearing nothing but your night gown dress...."

Elizabeth for once agreed with her brother, she hugged her self heading back inside to her (now) soggy cereal.

"Was that your Uncle Henry?"

Axel nearly dropped the gift, his father's voice scared him. He nodded at him, picking the gift up off the floor.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to give me this gift, and for you to call him. He said that...something bad happened the other day, and you should know about it."

William let out an exhausted sigh, "Shit always happens when I'm not there for the day..." He complained.

"Hurry up and go get dressed, today will be all about you. We'll go wherever you want, we'll do whatever you want. Today is all about you; my son."

Axel noticed Lance creepily staring at him from the kitchen table, Martha snapped her fingers at him, urging him to eat his food. Axel looked up at his father, he wore a smile on his face, but Axel could tell how angry he felt underneath.

He gave a nod at his father, "Yeah...I'll go get ready..." he said, racing upstairs to his room, coming down dressed for the day.

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