When You Realize...

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I love how I realized how much I base Rat and Cat on the Papin Sisters.

If you don't know, the Papin sisters were two maid/nun sisters who brutally attacked and killed the home owner and daughter who would snap on them for almost everything.

It was technically self defense, as they were spit on, and berated. But the crime occurred in the 1930s, no court would find them guilty in today's time.

Christine is the older child, and is very protective of her younger sister (Lea), opposed to Cat being the youngest, and highly protective of Rat.

Christine and Lea both had shitty and abusive parents, just as Rat and Cat. In 1911, their eldest sister was raped/molested by their father, in which the mother blamed the elder sister, she gets sent away.

Rat and Cat were raped by their father, he used them as profit, creating literal child porn out of them, literally selling and having his kids rented for use. Not only that, he neglected and abused them to the point Cat ran away when he was 10 in 1995, and nearly starved to death from hunger. Rat stayed, because he didn't know who to turn to, or go. He was emotionally attached to his mother, and she did no wrong in his eyes. Despite the fact she never once decided to stop her husband.

Just as Christine and Lea, Rat and Cat are abnormally close, in both situations, sexual/romantic incest was committed as a way of coping through the pain and their issues.

Rat and Cat were never caught for the murders they killed, compared to Christine and Lea. Christine committed suicide by intentionally starving herself (cochexmia) to death for 4 years, meanwhile Lea used a fake name, working as a maid until her death in 1982.

Rat and Cat do eventually die, by a suicide.

If you want to learn more about the Papin sisters, watch the movie Sister My Sister (released in 1994) or watch

and you'll be able to see what I mean.

Highly a fucked up case, where one sibling was acting in a way to protected their family. Christine nor Lea deserved to have such a shitty life, neither did Rat or Cat.

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