Happy Birthday Axel

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"Happy Birthday Axel!" His friends cheered. Axel slightly smiled, immediately frowning back afterwards as he blew out the candles on his cake.

"Whatcha wish for?" One of his female friends; Vivian asked.

"Birthday wishes are supposed to be secret..." Ava her friend sighed.

Vivian giggled, "I bet I already know what it is!"

"Oh, cheer up Axel you're only 44 once!" Mitch said, chugging another beer can down. He let out a loud burp, everyone looked at him disgusted.

"Everyday is torture for me, whether it's at work, or being alone at home. I hate my life, I honestly just wanna die."

"Wait, but if you die aren't you the last surviving child in your family? You'll kill off your bloodline! At least make a few babies before you go." Vivian suggested.

"If you knew anything about my past, you'd know why that's a bad idea." Axel whispered.

"Hey, guys, let's not make this party about us. This is Axel's birthday after all...you guys do this shit every year..." Kevin sighed.

Axel stared at the candles, loosing his focus. He remembered the last happy birthday he had; when he turned 10. It was 1980, the end of the 70s and the beginning of a new decade.

Jimmy Carter was the president of the US at the time. His father had bought him some Transformer toys for his birthday, along with a Hungry Hungry Hippo set he could play with his friends with after school.

Mitch was Axel's only friend growing up, Mitch was older by not by a lot. Just maybe a few months. He wasn't one of the friends that helped kill his little brother in 1983, he was a different friend. One that listened to Axel, and connected with him about having a shitty life.

"Hey, let's get out of here." Mitch whispered, his hand squeezing Axel's thigh. Axel nodded, getting up, when asked where they were headed he said he was taking Mitch home early, and that he would see them tomorrow at the office.

Mitch slammed Axel against the wall, kissing him, unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled down the zipper of Axel's pants, sticking his hand down Axel's pants, jerking his dick off. Axel looked over Mitch's head, all he could see was the rest of the dark alleyway, along with the sounds of cars and people going by.

"Touch mines." Mitch whispered, turning Axel's head, he took Axel's hands, placing it against the crotch of his work pants. Axel started to 'squeeze' his print, Mitch moaned, laughing lightly sucking on Axel's neck.

"I wish you didn't cut your hair." Mitch said, burping soon after. Axel isn't sure how this relationship started between them, he isn't composing though, since it's nice to have someone to keep him company, however Mitch constantly wants to have sex, Axel really isn't the kind of person with high sexual motivation.

Mitch pulled down Axel's pants to his ankles, Axel moaned lightly as Mitch got on his knees, sucking Axel off.

"Mitch, you don't have to-."

Mitch cut Axel, lightly bitting him against his tip. Mitch started sucking faster, Axel was the weaker one in the relationship when it came to ejaculating. One time, when they were younger, Mitch jerked Axel off under the table, and he came 5 minutes later. It was funny to Mitch, coming from being jerked off in public, in under 5 minutes.

"Turn around." Mitch said, pulling out this tiny bottle of lubricant to use on his cock. He didn't have time for Axel to be moaning and wincing in pain because Mitch's cock was too big, Mitch blamed it on his genetics; since he was Half Black and Half Hispanic. He said, "Statistically proven, men of these races have much larger cocks than white men. Hence why we're the most fetishized in porn."

Mitch opened the bottle, pouring a decent amount on him, it wasn't gonna stop Axel from crying in pain, but it was gonna minimize it. He wouldn't have to cry, he'd just suck on his teeth or try and grab Mitch.

Mitch placed his cock against Axel's rear, he purposely missed Axel's hole to make fun of him. "Ooops, I missed the hole." He winked. Axel groaned softly, Mitch tried it again, putting his cock inside Axel, immediately thrusting.

"I promise I'll cum quick. I know you wanna get back to the party!~" He whispered.

That triggered something in Axel, his childhood. Birthday parties practically every day, endless pizza, cake, and ice cream. Axel hated ice cream. A birthday party, that changed his life when he was 13; the death of his younger step brother.

Axel started to panic, remembering all the blood, and screams he heard around him. He froze in time, unable to move, unable to process, unable to think. He turned, seeing his father standing in the corner, a dark smile slowly painted across his face.

"What did you do, Axel?"

Axel loudly shouted, Mitch stopped, pulling away from Axel confused.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked, but Axel didn't answer. He huddled himself on the floor, blocking his ears, shaking his head no.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it! I didn't mean to kill him! Don't get rid of me too!" He cried.

Mitch tilted his head confused, Axel's screaming was attracting nearby people so he pulled his pants up, putting his dick away. He tried to fix Axel up, but he smacked his hand away from him, doing it himself while hyperventilating. "I wanna go home..." He cried.

Mitch sighed, "I'll drive you." He kissed Axel on his forehead, helping him up walking him to the car.

I need to update my other books instead of making new books- :/

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