Video Diary

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Note; When you see a * symbol next to a quote, that means the person is speaking in their native language. In this case for Cairo, it would be him speaking (Dominican) Spanish. 

"Hello me. Well, me from the future. Maybe me 5 years from now? Or maybe me when I have kids....Dad got me this camera as a gift when I turned 15. I've been 15 for a while now. Dad said when he was around my age he had a journal that he used to write in and he looked back over it when he was 19. He still has the journal, and he lets me read it whenever I go visit him for the holidays and stuff. That's when he came up with the idea for me to do something similar since he think's it'll be "helpful" when I'm feeling lost and hopeless during all this. So I've finally deciding to use it as a video journal so I can rewatch these later on and reflect on how much better or how shitty my life got." Cole took a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair and clearing his throat.

"Anyways, this is my boyfriend; Cairo." Cairo looked down from his phone, giving a wave. We've been dating for.....a few months now." He nervously laughed, turning his head behind him to Cairo who smiled. "He's my first boyfriend I've ever had, and pretty much my first partner slash relationship. I love Cairo so very much, but I wish he would teach me Spanish since I never understand what the hell he be saying sometimes! That's kinda like his 'thing'. He'll say something in Spanish, whether he's angry, excited, or being playful around me. I sometimes can get the jest of what he's saying using context clues, but never actually know. I'm not one of those racists who shout at him 'speak English you're in America!'. I instead just nod along like I understand or just blurt out I have no idea of what the hell you just said with an awkward laugh. I don't know how he puts up with me."

"I have been teaching you Spanish!" Cairo scoffed, "I always translate for you, or I explain something in Spanish while demonstrating. Like when I was shouting at you to be gentle I was doing like this motion with my hands." Cairo said, demonstrating. 

Cole rolled his eyes playfully shaking his head. 

"Anyways, hopefully, in the future Cairo and I are still dating. Also, I hope my parents get back together.  Cairo and I actually met right around the time my parents split apart. Before they "officially" got divorced." He said, "I went over to Junior's house and and I mistook Cairo for him. I remember thinking to myself, wait a sec, you're not Junior! Junior has to mix match eyes. The on the left is yellow, and the one on the right is brown!"

"Yeah, but I'm *a lot  sexier than him*." Cairo whispered into Cole's ear, standing up on his bed, pulling his shirt up. Cole giggled, leaning backwards kissing him from underneath.  Cairo ended up dropping his phone, sitting up by his arm holding Cole's face by his cheek deepening the kiss. Seconds later, Cole climbed onto his bed, letting Cairo toppling overtop of him. The kissing turned more and more erotic, Cole lifted his shirt off his body, moaning softly when he felt Cairo kiss on his skin. He laid down on his back, pulling his pjama pants down, Cairo took his dick stroking it.

"Wait I need to turn the camera off--!"

"Your mom's downstairs, isnt she?" Cairo whispered, cutting him off. 

Cole nodded, giving Cairo a side-eye. "Don't even think about it." His eyed him down. 

Cairo chuckled. Licking the tip of Cole's dick. Cole softly moaned, placing his hands on Cairo's forehead. Trying to push him away. He knew what he was doing. 

"You're gonna be louder when I fuck you. Might as well get it out the way now." He whispered, going down on Cole's dick.

"N-Nuh uh!" Cole moaned out. Immediately, covering his mouth with the palm of his hands, clenching his eyes shut. Cole and Cairo only started to become "sexually active" only a few months ago. They were originally gonna wait until they were both over 18. But if Cairo's dad couldn't wait, why should he? Plus, Cole originally thought waiting until 18 would be a breeze. It's only 3 years away! But, like a week after they agreed on waiting until marriage Cole started to have dreams. He would daydream in class about Cairo, or wake up from a goods night rest with something poking him from underneath. So, like any socially awkward teen he confided in a trusted family member (Junior) about it. 

"The camera is still on..." Cole reminded with another whisper.

Cairo turned, noticing the blinking red light which indicated the camera was recording. "Oh yeah..." 

Cole pushed Cairo off him, not like roughly or anything, but yeah. He got up, stopping the camera. Rewinding the footage, which captured Cairo sucking him off, than plowing his insides out. The faces he made, the noises he made, hearing it all kinda felt embarrasing to him. He started to cry from the embarrassment. Huddling into a ball on the floor next to his bed. Cairo climbed down, squatting next to him. 

*"It's ok."* He told him, *"I like the way you sounded."* He winked, kissing his cheek. 

Cole softly giggled, "You know I have no idea what you just said." 

There was a knock at the door, it was Cindy. She was checking in on Cole, as well as asking Cairo how was he doing, she hadn't seen Cairo in the house in quite a while, considering she was never really there. She stood in the doorway, buttoning her shirt, as she told Cole she was on her way to work, (she had like an office job ish) and that it was leftovers in the fridge if he got hungry. She handed him money incase he didn't want leftovers, and gave him a kiss goodbye. The boys watched from the window as Cindy got in her co-workers car, who drove her off to work.

"I should probably get going." Cairo said, "Walking me to the door?" He asked. 

Cole nodded, "Yeah um. Give me a sec..." He said, putting the camera on his nightstand. He held Cairo's hand, walking him downstairs. 

"Call you tommorow after school?" Cairo suggested. 

Cole shook his head, "Can't. Going to visit my dad in the UK this weekend. I'll be back home on Tuesday."

Cairo frowned, "Have fun, Oh! *And bring me something back!"* He shouted, walking back home to his house.

"Okay!" Cole yelled back, closing the door locking it.

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