8th Grade - 2004

38 1 0


Carter's eyes shot open, he breathed heavily, catching awareness of his surroundings. "Yeah?" He finally responded.

"Did you hear me?"

He choked on a swallow, "Mm-Hm." He said with a nod.

"Good, so how do you feel?"

"A-About what?" He asked.

The principal let out a sharp sigh of annoyance, he cleared his throat.

"About your, 'friend'..."

"My friend?"

"....Jesus fucking Christ."

Matelo was Carter's middle school friend, and his only friend beside his brother and Alora. Over the summer, he and Carter had gotten close, so close to the point everyone thought they were a thing. However, around August, a week before school started again Mateo had hung himself, no one knows why, not even Carter, who blamed himself for his death.

Carter turned, his eldest brother Cian pinched the bridge of his nose, "Cmon Carter! Just tell the prince how you feel about your best friend Mateo, and how he killed himself last week."

"Cadence!" Cilian scoffed at her brother, smacking his arm.

"What!? We're all in here because of Carter, the least he could do is not lie so we can all go back to class."

"No, you're not all in here because of Carter. I specifically announced over the PA system that I wanted Carter, and only Carter to come to the office. You all just showed up." The principal reminded, butting in. He cleared his throat, "Carter, you can go back to class now. Still, I want you to speak to Mrs. Eudora during your lunch period tomorrow."

"Mrs Eudora?"

"Yes, Mrs Eudora. The school psychiatrist. She specializes in these kinds of.....things....." Carter hesitated, he nodded, picking up his bookbag pushing past his siblings as he headed back to class.

"And the rest of you, out." He said, referring to the 6 siblings in the office.

"Oh cmon!"

"Uncool bro."

"No wonder your wife doesn't wanna fuck you anymore, I wouldn't either."

"Can you all just shut up?"


Carter stared out the window, as the final bell rang. Everyone in the class all grabbed their things, except for Carter, who was still zoning out.

".....Carter....?" The teacher called his name, except Carter didn't hear.

"Carter!" He yelled once again.

Cariaid scoffed, he and Carter had the same last period class together, he and their friend Alora went over to approach Carter.

"Carter?" Alora asked, tapping his shoulder.

Carter snapped to, he blinked, "Huh?"

"Cmon, it's time to go home." She told him. Carter looked around, noticing the classroom was empty. "Oh..." He cleared his throat, "Yeah, I guess it is." He quickly shoved his belongings into his bookbag, and headed out the door.


Carter and Cariaid reached their home, they came inside. Their 5 other elder siblings had already reached home, since Cian had a car.

"Oh, you guys are home late." Cailan joked.

"Yeah, that's cause we walked." Cariaid rolled his eyes. "We don't have the privilege of being the older sibling half. Must be nice, hm?"

Cade lifted his head up from the couch, "Could you shut up? I'm trying to watch Naruto." He said, as he turned the TV up.

Carter took his siblings arguing as an opportunity to go upstairs, and lock himself in his room. He wasn't supposed to, since 'no one could check on him' but he didn't care. He wanted to be alone.

"Well, dinner is almost ready, mom said." Caden spoke up from the kitchen, doing his homework.

"Where did Carter go?" Cadence pointed out.

Cariaid shrugged, "He was just here a moment ago."

"Encontrarlo." (Find him) Cian said.

Cariaid groaned, "He's probably just upstairs!"

"Well go fucking check! What kind of brother are you?"

"One that obviously lets his older one kill himself because his gay lover did the same a week ago!" Cariad hissed going upstairs to their room, he opened it, seeing Carter lying down, asleep.

"He's sleep!"

"Did you check his pulse!?"

"He's fine!"

"Check his goddamn pulse!"

"Jesús maldito cristo..."

"You two argue so much..."

Cariad softly laughed, "Yeah, well mom said ven abajo, la cena esta lista." (Come downstairs, dinner is ready/done.)

Carter got up from the bed, wiping tears away from his eyes. All he really needed was one good cry, he walked downstairs Cariaid followed behind him.

I didn't wanna write anymore lmaooo, it would've just been Carter eating dinner with the family, his mom asks how he feels, he tells her he's doing fine, one of his brother whispers 'lie' in Spanish, the dinner goes on, it's bedtime, his brother comes to their room, talks to Carter about it, Carter admits he thought about killing himself too, he gets a hug from his brother, and the chapter ends. Now I gotta re-italic everything cause it doesn't automatically do so from google docs to Wattpad 😩

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