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Every morning, at 7am Axel locked eyes with the mailman. The house he and his father William lived in was the first house on their block, so he always was the first to wave and say 'Hi' to him.

Axel knew he wasn't allowed to go outside, at least without him being eyes length away from his father.

William finally woke up, he came down the steps, yawning, stretching his body. He went into the kitchen, to grab his morning coffee. He opened the door outside, ignoring Axel curiously propped up staring out the window. Axel got off the couch, he hurried to run outside, slipping underneath his father, who bent forward to grab the morning paper off the front step. 

Axel looked for the mailman, yet he couldn't find him. He looked to his left, he looked to his right. Still no mailman, however he heard a dog bark. Dogs always bark whenever the mailman comes near their humble abode. Axel searched for the dog barking, and once he found it, he started to walk in that direction.

William had finished skimming through the newspaper, and went back inside the house, believing that Axel was still inside, when he wasn't. He searched Axel's bedroom, he searched the bathroom, the kitchen, the dining area, and the living room. Still, no Axel.

The sound of an out of date 1954 Buick Skylark made its way down their street, it was heading straight for Axel, who didn't hear the car coming, just yet. William hurried back outside, he was wearing only his boxer briefs and slippers.

"Axel!" He yelled, Axel couldn't miss that sound, often his father yelled his name. He turned slowly, to see his fathers hand reaching out for him, but he then turned to see the Skylark racing down at him.

"Move out the way kid!" The mailman yelled, snatching Axel back.

The car came to a halt, neither Axel or the mailman was hurt. The driver stepped out, it was a 14 year old kid. The car belonged to his grandfather, who bought it as a gift for his late wife.

"Axel!" William yelled, Axel froze in fear, he started to silently weep, he was in big trouble now.

"Is this your kid?" The mailman asked, referring to Axel.

William nodded, "He must've snuck out when I got my newspaper..." He groaned.

"He watches me every day as I deliver papers. He seems, interested in my job. Why not let him try it out over the summer? What could go wrong?"

William picked Axel up in his arms, "Do they hire kids this young?" He asked, "He's only 6...."

"Well, no, but I'm sure he can-."

"Then no, it's way too dangerous, he's only 6."

"Can't be as dangerous as this kid over here who nearly hit him with the car." Williams eyebrows twitched slightly, his irritation for this man was growing fast.

A patrol car pulled up, noticing the scene of the accident. He got out, slowly popping his gum.

"What happened here?" He asked.

"Kid over there ran down the road, nearly killed this poor boy." The mailman said.

He pulled down his shades, eyeing the young teen. "Is that true?" Hesitant, the kid nodded his head yes.

"How old are you?"


"Where did you get this car from?"

"It's my grandfather's."

"Does he know you have it?"

"Yes." He lied.

"I'll have to take you in." The officer said, "Something about you is off, it's fishy...."

"No way, I'm not going in your car! You like to touch little boys!"

"I think it's time to go inside...." William muttered to himself, taking Axel inside with him.

William shut the door, letting Axel down, kneeling in front of him, "How did you get outside? Did you sneak by me when I got the morning paper?"

Axel shook his head no, which was an obvious lie. William let out a soft chuckle, it was a child's instinct to lie when they got caught.

"How about we eat some Crazy Cows for breakfast or Honey Nut Cheerios?"

"Crazy Cow!"

William laughed lightly, "Crazy Cows it is..." He said, taking Axel into the kitchen, starting their day.

Wait y'all before you pull out the pitch forks, let me explain.

1. I'm a college student, 24/7 busy, less time to write and feel motivated

2. I work in fast food, nuff said.

3. I fell in love 😩

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