Mother of 3

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"Good morning your majesty, how are you feeling today?" The nurse asked.

"I'm fine, feeling the usual pregnancy morning mood." She said, lying on her back on the table, with the help of her husband.

"Well, I'm not sure if you did this with your first child, but here's how this goes. I place this on  stomach, hooked up to this television. It'll show us your womb, and the baby."

"Babies." Shadow Candy corrected the nurse, "Babies."

BlackRabbit rolled her eyes, "He thinks we're having triplets. Triplets huh?" She laughed, "Can you believe that?"

"But your majesty, weren't you a triplet? Although the last born you still carry the 'multiple' gene trait for reproduction."

"I'm not having triplets." She huffed, immediately feeling the need to throw up afterwards.

The nurse opened the bottle of 'Ultrasound Gel' (I tried to google wtf it was called but that's all google gave me), she placed it on the ultrasound tool. "Let's get your Ultrasound started." She said, the couple looked at the tv screen.

While waiting for the screen to clear up Shadow Candy whispered jokes into her ear, "What if it's more than 3? What if it's all boys? Do you think they'll be born right around SJ's birthday?"

BlackRabbit wanted so badly to 'hit' her husband, but she knew he was just trying to get pregnancy rise out of her.

"Congratulations your majesty's! You're having triplets."

"T-Triplets!?" She panicked.

Shadow Candy stood up, pumping his hands in the air cheering, "I've got a magic dick! We made triplets!"

"N-No... A-Are you sure? Count again!"

The nurse nodded, she counted again pointing to each fetus. "One...two...three! Triplets!" She smiled softly with a giggle.

BlackRabbit started to cry, "I don't want to push 3 babies out of me! I don't care if my mother did it with ease, I'm not her! Can I abort ⅔ of the fetus'!?"

"No!" Shadow Candy yelled. "You're being ridiculous."

"I'm not being ridiculous you try pushing 3 babies out of your fucking vagina! Oh wait, you don't have one. No uterus = no opinion."

The nurse cleared her throat, "It's too early to determine the sex of the babies. However, you're expected to be due around February 26th. I'll print out a picture of the results, have a nice day your majesty's." The nurse said. She left the room, giving the couple their space.

Shadow Candy turned to BlackRabbit, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm having triplets! What do you mean what's wrong with me!?"

"I told you before we had sex that we were gonna have triplets. Why are you acting so shocked now? Do you think I'm no longer a man of my word?"

She shook her head no, "I knew you weren't lying, I just...didn't wanna believe it was true."

"Well suck it up. It is true, this isn't a fantasy, this is reality." He stormed out the room.

BlackRabbit started to cry again, looking back at the tv screen that was paused on her unborn triplets. She wiped her tears, taking the ultrasound photos with her. Shadow Candy stood outside the hospital, against the car waiting for her. He didn't bother helping her in, he was still angry at her.

"Back to the castle?" The driver asked.

He looked at her, she felt his glare. She turned to look at him, "Your puppy dog eyes won't make me forgive you so easily." He said, "Take us home." He told the driver. "Well, take me to the portal, I need to speak with some friends. But take the queen home, she needs rest."

"Yes, your majesty."

BlackRabbit looked out the window, she muttered out loud "Do you think they're boys?"

"I don't care. I'll fuck you pregnant right after your six weeks are up."

BlackRabbit wanted to cry again, Why was Shadow Candy doing this to her? What a cruel husband he was being.

Although he was upset at her, he kissed her on the cheek as he got out of the car. He walked through the portal, to the 'mortal world'. BlackRabbit returned back to the castle, immediately being greeted by her ladies in waiting and her trusted advisors.

"Welcome back, my queen." They greeted.

"I'm tired." BlackRabbit said, sighing with a huge frown.

"Yes, my queen." They led the queen to her bed, staying by her side while she napped.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna make that 'separate book' for Shadow Candy/BlackRabbit I'll just have the title name than (lemon) if it's a sex chapter or just leave the name as is if it's not. Also yes, I do know that technically she's a mom of 4, I just meant her triplets.

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