Im Back

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I arrived at Long Island the next morning, walking to the borders, and I sighed, I wasn't gone as long as I was hoping to be, but it's for my safety, if I avoided coming back any longer, I would be dead, which nobody wanted, well other than people and monsters that obviously want me dead. Shaking my head, I hesitantly walked in the borders, looking at everything, everything looked the same. When I passed the pillar that I was tied to over a month ago, I growled beneath my breath, I'm here to get my revenge, show him exactly what he put me through. Apollos vision was right, I would get my revenge on Mr Doc.

   "Percy?" I heard someone say, and I saw that it was Will. "You weren't gone as long as people thought." He said and I couldn't help but shrug.

"There were monsters left and right, there wasn't anywhere safe for me other than here." I sighed loudly and he chuckled, he had long since approached me, and gave me a proper greeting. "Where is he? Mr Doc?" I asked gravely, and Will pointed at the training arena, great, I have time here before he comes and targets me. "Great, I'm going to go tell Chiron I am back, I'll see you later." I smiled, walking away towards the big house. I couldn't act yet. It's far to soon. Soon.

Nobody else came up to me on my walk to the big house, it was silent, it was peaceful. Knocking, I opened the door, and was greeted with the sight of Chiron looking through papers, and he looked delighted when he raised his head and saw me. "Perseus, nice to see you again, as always. Although I am glad you are back, how come you are back so early?" He asked curiously, and I bit my cheek.

"Monsters were after me more than usual, and even though I left the country, they were still pretty bad. I needed to go where I'd be safe." I explained, Chiron could only nod, it was unusual the amount of monsters that had come after me in the last month and a bit.

   "Well you had just missed everyone, most people went for their schooling a few days ago. Are you staying for the year?" Chiron asked curiously, all I could do is hope that Mr Doc wouldn't beat me because not many are here.

   "Well I suppose I kind of have to if I want to survive." I gulped nervously, and he saw I was visibly nervous, it was obvious, I was shaking ever so slightly and I was shifting my weight.

   "Luckily for you, there's stuff that's going to get done this fall, would you be willing to help?" He asked hopefully, and I nodded with a smile.

   "Of course, just tell me what you need done." I smiled and he did as well.

   "Before anything, get some rest, get comfortable, we'll start on some things tomorrow." Chiron claimed enthusiastically, and I nodded, smiling back at him, and as I was getting ready to go, Chiron cleared his throat, "also, with an anonymous vote, Mr Doc will be here for another summer, but his powers have been restricted, he will be leaving during winter." Chiron said, looking at me sadly, great, he's here all fall, it's only a couple months, it'll be alright.

   "Thank you for letting me know, sir." I said gratefully and walked out, heading straight to my cabin. It was weird being here, I'm not feeling as resentful towards this cabin anymore, even though I've had many restless nights, many nights where I thought about such dark topics. I'm happier now, surprisingly, although I'm still bitter about camp.

    "Perseus, glad to see your back." I heard someone say, standing at the entrance of my cabin door. "How was your time away, I hope you didn't have to many problems with monsters." Mr Doc, I growled, of course he knew about the monsters, he sent them after me, because he wanted me to come back.

   "You sent them after me, didn't you?" I asked, not even turning to face him, I knew I'd attack him if I looked at him, I was far to hostile now, it would be near impossible to hold myself back, the anger had gotten to me. It was hard for me not to shoot him, my new gun was in my waistband, but I didn't want to kill him, not yet anyways.

   "Well you weren't going to come back if I didn't now we're you?" He asked with a chuckle, shaking his head as if the answer were so obvious.

   "As the camp director, aren't you supposed to keep campers safe? Not try to have them killed for leaving camp?" I scoffed, finally mustering up the courage to look at him. He know I was planning something if I acted weird, so I have to act as normal as possible, this fall, I'll be figuring out much as possible, when summer comes, I'll get my revenge.

   "You had my powers stripped from me as soon as you left, so no, I'm not going to keep you safe." He growled. He was as powerless as a mortal now, Mr Doc could not longer read my thought, he no longer had the same power over me as he did at the beginning of summer, and that made me laugh, which obviously pissed him off.

   "About time you start getting what you deserve." I laughed, and he growled at me, walking up to me and grabbing my hair, forcing me to the ground, and I grunted, I wasn't letting him abuse me any more, he only got to hit my head against the ground once, before he could do it again, I grabbed my pocket knife and slashed at his lower leg, causing his to gasp in shock and let go on me. "I only wish they killed you instead." I spat at him, but he didn't do anything other than walk away with a light limp. He didn't have power over me anymore. He exposed my secrets, and there's no one to expose them to, so now, he can't fight me.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now