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  Whispers were heard from all around me as I walked. It was clear as day I lost weight, the fact that I was stitched up and still had many unstitched whip wounds probably doesn't help. "Chiron, do I really have to be here?" I asked quietly. Since I first got whipped, public humiliation had come to be one of my worst fears. Chiron took a moment to answer me, looking down at me sadly.

   "Yes, Perseus, I know it's hard after whats happened in the last couple of weeks." Chiron said sympathetically. "But I'm not allowed to fire Mr Doc, the gods have to make that decision, and half of the Olympians think it will be good for the camp." Chiron explained sadly and I nodded. Even trying to argue felt like a waste of what little energy I have. I was beyond exhausted, but how I feel doesn't seem to matter anymore to anybody.

  I felt bad for the thoughts in my head, all my friends care, they've been trying to help me. Heck, Leo almost took that beating for me. Memories still raced to my mind, it was clearer now than it was when it happened. I remember controlling everyone. Guilt overtook me and I gulped, that was one thing I had hoped I would never do again.

   Walking into the throne room was one of the most awkward things I've ever done in my life, the gods stared in shock at me, Zeus couldn't even tell me to bow, which I was close to doing. I'm not sure, I feel like anyone could be like Mr Doc, so cruel and abusive. "So why am I here?" I asked quietly, and everyone just continued to stare heavily. It took a few minutes for anyone to say anything, until Chiron cleared his throat, looking at the gods and gesturing his head towards me, which caused me to look down.

   "We didn't expect this." Zeus said, clearing his throat. He's seen worse, no doubt, but not on somebody who used to be considered a hero. I gulped at my own thoughts, I was weak and pathetic.

   "Well you expected something." I grumbled, and they returned to their silence.

  "When did this happen?" Poseidon asked me quietly.

  "About a week, Perseus was in a small coma." Chiron answered, and I felt my jaw drop, that's why Will seemed so excited that I was up. At least a week isn't a very long time. It could've been worse.

"And do you feel like sharing why it happened? We already know who." Athena said gently. It felt like my lips were stitched shut and my voice was stolen from me, because I couldn't bring myself to say anything. They only stared at me, waiting for an answer I was to afraid to give. Mr Doc is always there, he can always hear me, and I don't want him to come after me again.

"Percy, we may be able to solve the problem, we just need to know what's going on." Hestia said gently to me, approaching me and placing her hand on my shoulder, which caused me to flinch.

"Whatever someone else does, their punishment falls upon me." I whispered, but it was clear everyone heard me. I gulped down my nervousness, the gods can get rid of him. "After he first came, a younger camper did something, and Mr Doc was going to whip him, and I interfered, I think that's when he decided that every punishment will go to me." I frowned.

"What happened to get, all that?" Hermes asked me curiously, gesturing, and trying not to sound offensive.

"Someone tried to kill him." I said clearly, and they all looked shocked. "And I think he went easy this time." I said and they were surprised. It was true, he could have done a lot worse, he could have found something a lot worse. "If someone does it again, I think he'll kill me." I said honestly, and they sat in silence, thinking it over.

"Why don't ya kill him." Ares suggested, shrugging like he didn't care. He liked the brutality, it was seeing it on me that surprised him. My silence seemed to make them think that I was considering, but I wasn't.

  "I would get beat until I died, there's no getting rid of him." I frowned. The only image that came to my head was me whipping Mr Doc instead of it being the other way around. I wanted to show him the pain he put me through. The throne room was silent, until I spoke up again. "So what was the vision?" I asked, but I wasn't curious, as soon as I knew, I was leaving. Apollo looked pale, almost like he was afraid it say it out loud.

"It's was of you, whipping someone, Mr Doc." Apollo gulped. It was strange seeing him look so nervous, seeing pieces of the future must be horrifying, knowing what someone could possibly become.

  "Well that won't happen." I said harmlessly, and walked away casually.

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