Mother mother

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It's been almost a week, I was in the infirmary for the first 3 days and I've been in my cabin since. I've avoiding confrontation, I wasn't ready to face anyone. Hunger didn't seem to hit me in the last few days although I knew I should eat. My friends didn't try to talk to me, they knew I needed space. Everyone knew now, or at least they should, Mr Doc said I used to get beat, mentioned the anxiety attacks and the insomnia. He mentioned things he shouldn't have, he crossed a line he shouldn't have.

I know I need to leave my cabin, he could be harassing other kids right now. Finally, I got up, dizziness hitting me. I was laying in my bed the entire time, I should be presentable. After showering and getting dressed, I finally felt more myself than I have in over a week. Nobody said a word to me, nobody spared a glance at me, it was nerve racking but it relieved me.

   "Perseus, you need to catch up on your training." Mr Doc said and I nodded. Not a single word slipped from my lips, and he seemed content with it. He and I were alone in the arena, and there stood a robot holding a sword, but it wasn't an ordinary robot, it was one that was identical to me.  "Spar. You need someone as good as you to fight you, so why not fight yourself?" He suggested.

  "Alright." I said simply, but suddenly he gave me ankle weights, 20 pounds on each ankle. "What are these for?" I asked curiously.

  "You aren't going to get better unless you practice  while your limited, now, fight." Once he said fight, the robot came after me and swung at me with its metal hands, so it's hand combat, alright. I blocked, trying to back up, but the weights caused me to almost fall.

   It must've been 2 hours until the robot finally stopped and I won, but I was a sweating mess and my legs hurt. Mr Doc long since left, but ordered a Hecate kid to place a force field around the arena until I beat the robot. I was hungry, so I went to the pavilion, it was lunch time now, and nobody spoke. What happened in a week?

  "Hey seaweed brain." Annabeth smiled at me, my friends all sat down, and I was nervous, and I wasn't sure why.

  "Hey wise girl. Why's everyone so down?" I asked curiously and she frowned.

    "Everyone in camp knows Mr Doc is targeting you, and Chiron is still gone for another few days so he can't help." Piper said, looking at me and I nodded.

   "He didn't hit anyone else, right?" I asked worriedly, and they shook their heads.

  "After the whole scene happened last week, after you left, he said whatever anyone else does that is wrong, the punishment will go to you." Jason growled and I nodded, rubbing my neck.

  "So I'm expecting a lot?" I asked and they shook their heads.

   "Everyone's been as silent and respectful as possible. The Ares cabin had trouble with that though." Leo jokes quietly and I chuckled.

  "How's your head?" Will asked me, standing at the end of the table, he was the only one who tried to enter my cabin, he was worried for my health.

   "Hurts, but probably a list of reasons why." I chuckled, drinking some water and eating my breakfast.

  "You mean lack of food and water, not enough sleep and not letting yourself heal?" Will asked and I shrugged.

  "Sounds about right." I said carelessly. Mr Doc hadn't come up to us yet, and I prayed that he wouldn't.

   "How much have you slept?" Nico asked and I shrugged.

  "Probably not as much as I should have. Nightmares got worse." I shrugged.

  "What are they about?" Annabeth asked.

  "Do we really need to talk about this? I'm fine you guys." I said surely and they frowned.

    "Perseus, you got a call." Mr Doc said from behind me, and I was almost relieved. I stood up and followed Mr Doc to the big house, grabbing the phone.

  "Hi is this Perseus?" A lady asked.

  "Yeah it is, who is this?" I asked.

  "I am Dr Smith, I've been taking care of your mother. She woke up and she wanted to talk to you." She said, and her smile was almost audible. Relief flushed over me.

   "Yes, thank you!" I smiled, rubbing my hand through my hair.

   "Hey Percy." I heard my mom say, she sounded exhausted, but happy none the less.

  "Mom! How are you feeling? Are you alright?" I asked and she chuckled lightly.

  "Yes I'm alright, some cuts and bruises, broken bones, but I'll be fine." She said, and I felt tears rush to my eyes in relief.

  "Thank the gods, I thought something bad was going to happen and I'd never be able to see you again." I said, hiding my face when the tears started rolling.

  "Percy, I'm alright and always will be." She chuckled and I smiled.

  "As soon as you are out of the hospital I'll come visit." I smiled and she laughed.

   "Of course, I'll see you soon, I love you Percy." She said.

  "I love you to mom, I'll talk to you soon." I said and hung up. I finally felt better. I can take whatever torment Mr Doc puts me through as long as I know my moms alright. I walked out of the big house after my tears were all wiped away, and I went back to the pavilion, where everyone sat quietly, only whispers could be heard.

  "You alright Percy?" Nico asked me.

  "Yeah, just got some good news." I chuckled and rubbed my neck.

  "What's the news?" Annabeth asked curiously.

  "My mom woke up from her coma, and there's not any really bad injuries." I sighed in relief, and almost everyone looked surprised, at least the ones who didn't know what happened to my mom.

  "You see, I said she'll be alright, your mom is to strong not to be." Annabeth smiled and I nodded.

   "I almost thought she was going to die." I frowned heavily.

   "What happened?" Piper asked me curiously.

  "My mom and Paul were out, and a drunk driver in a semi truck hit them, must not have been full force or anything but thank the gods for that." I chuckled softly. We all sat in silence, and it was nice.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin