What i saw in the trees

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"Percy! Percy!" When I opened my eyes, all I could see was Wills face, and before it registered, I bolted up, colliding heads with him, which made us both groan out from pain, but I couldn't care less, I looked over at the trees, looking for the figure I saw before I passed out.

"Ouch. What are you looking at?" Will asked curiously, rubbing his forehead before glancing over at the trees, trying to find out what I was searching for, and I shook my head.

"How long was I out for?" I asked worriedly, glancing between my friends and the trees, if I weren't out for long, I could make a dash for it and look for whoever or whatever was standing at the trees.

"About a minute, you are lucky Will was nearby," Piper started, but I got up almost instantly, ignoring the head rush and I sprinted towards the trees, jumping over obstacles, and then I heard rustling by bushes nearby, they are running! Time seemed to stop for a second, I tripped over nothing, and hit my head harshly against a log. Standing up dizzily, I tried to continue chasing them, but they were gone, shit. Was it Mr Doc? Did he hear my thoughts? Shit shit shit!

"Percy! Where are you?" I heard yelling, and I sighed, sliding down against the tree, closing my eyes.

When I woke up again, I was in the infirmary, and I groaned in protest at the shining lights. Last thing I remember was chasing someone, so why does my head hurt. I reached up towards my head, I felt a bandage and I sighed, go figure, I fell. "Hey Percy, you doing alright? What were you chasing?" Will asked, making sure that I don't bolt again.

"Before I fainted, I saw someone or something, I wanted to catch it before it got away. But apparently I fell is what I'm guessing." I sighed in annoyance, putting pressure to try to get rid of the headache.

"Here's some ambrosia, try to take it easy for a little bit, I'll check up on you in about 20 minutes." He smiled softly and left before I could say anything. I felt crazy, I stood at the edge of a cliff and waited to be pushed over to my worst self. Violence and dark thoughts had taken over my mind, and it made me angry. All this time, all I tried to do was save everyone, but how come almost no one ever did the same for me! The one thing I needed was to be saved, but everyone left me, because they know I'm a monster. I'm cruel, and evil, I'm different than the person they had all met. What if they went to my cabin and snooped? Nervousness took over me, and all I could to was either leave and scare Will thinking I disappeared, or run to my cabin so they don't find anything they shouldn't. If any of you know me, you could probably guess what I chose to do.

When I opened my cabin door, I saw nothing, no one, thank the gods, no one snooped. Sitting on my bunk, I laid back, my head was feeling a lot better thanks to the ambrosia, I probably would have had a pretty bad concussion. I didn't sit for very long, I still had a bad feeling, so I got up and looked around, looking for anything different. Maybe the bad feeling I have is about the figure in the trees! Looking out my door towards the tree line, I saw nothing irregular, so it had to be about them looking through my cabin. What if they snooped and already found everything? I looked through all the hiding spots I put the notes and everything, gone! Where did they go! I growled out angrily, tossing everything around, even shelves, it was all gone! The notes, the pills, the alcohol, and the cigarettes! Anger took over me, but I can't confront all of them, maybe not all of them took part in it, and then they will all know! I cursed angrily under my breath, pacing around trying to think, who was the most suspicious of me? Who would feel the need to look? Realization took over me.

"Annabeth, take off the cap. I know you're in here, you had no time to get out." She didn't take off the cap, I stood in silence, waiting for her. It was either her with her invisibility cap or Nico with his shadow travel. "Please, if you know what's best for you, put everything down, and leave." It was a threat, and she knew it was too, I heard her shift a little bit, she was uncomfortable, nervous, she thinks if she stays still, I'll give up on the idea she's in here. She won't win, and I think she knows it too. Sitting down on my bunk, I sighed, reaching between my bunk and my wall, but she took this moment to run, because the door slammed open, and I jumped, sprinting to try to find her. Her footprints in the grass! I chased her and tackled her, being sure not to hurt her by going underneath and taking the fall. I took off her cap, and she looked surprised.

"Percy, you need help." She said surely, and I grabbed all my stuff from her. I know she read it, she knows it all.

"I would have told you guys, but you guys can't contain your thoughts from him, I learned how to. Don't say a word about this." I growled quietly, walking back to my cabin. There was nowhere safe to put any of my stuff anymore. They will always do their best to snoop, because they are so desperate for their answers! No doubt Annabeth was going to tell them, I was terrified of the idea. I'll leave, that's what I'll do, they won't find my notes, Annabeth will have no proof of what she found, and the others will be hesitant to believe her, right? Packing up my bag, I made sure to have all my notes and some clothes, along with my weapons that I almost always keep on me. Thank the gods Annabeth didn't find out about the guns, but Will might have when he was checking me. Fuck today isn't going as planned!

"Percy? What's going on?" Nico said, causing me to jump. I hate when he shadow travels like that, like just knock on the door for Hades sake! He waited for me to answer, I just shook my head and continued to pack. "Annabeth told us what she found, so you can talk to me." Nico claimed and I snarled under my breath, of course she did! "I know you're angry but sitting in silence while getting ready to run away again isn't going to do anything." He retorted. And I stopped in my tracks. I'm a wuss, I'm just running away like I did before the end of summer.

"I-" words didn't come out, and he seemed almost surprised, I was vulnerable, and I was showing it. "It's exactly what Apollo saw in his prophecy, I was meant to become like this, I'm meant to fulfil this." But Nico didn't seem to sure with what I said.

"What did he see?" He asked. I avoided telling anyone of the vision Apollo had seen, I'd be seen as a monster, an uncontrollable monster, that's what I've become.

"Me whipping him on the stand. The reason Chiron got rid of the stand, he doesn't want to see me beat a man till the brink of his life. My thoughts are dark, Nico, but I feel like I'll never get closure unless I go through with it." This seemed like a stab to the heart to him, like seeing his old role model turn into a monster broke him inside, and all that went through my head was seeing young Nico, full of enthusiasm. I killed his sister, it's all my fault!

"I know how you feel. I felt that way with bringing her back, Bianca. If I brought her back, everything would be okay, and even if it hurt others, all would be okay because she would be here. I hurt myself more than anything in the progress." He said sadly, staring at the wall past me, he wants me to change my mind, but I don't know if it's about me leaving or going through with torturing and killing Mr Doc.

"I-" I struggled with my words once more, but Nico was patient. Rubbing my face with my hands, I stared at my feet. "I'm truly sorry. It's my fault, it's all my fault." Tears started running down my cheeks, I felt the weight of the sky on my once again, and it forced me to my knees. "I couldn't save her, I promised you that she would be safe and I killed her! I should have done more." I cried, and he knelt down and hugged me, but I felt his tears stain my shirt. "I couldn't control any of their deaths, I've carried the weight of it all for so long, but getting revenge feels like it will change everything, and I'll feel better." I hiccuped, holding Nico closer, all I needed was a hug, comfort, I felt less pressure, like he was sharing the weight with me.

"It's not your fault Percy, all their strings got cut, it's the sad life of a demigod." Nico sighed sadly, returning my tight hug. "But please, rethink it, he's not coming back after next summer." He almost seemed to beg. It's not that they don't want him gone, they're scared to see the person I'll become when they see me holding the whip over Mr Docs tired, bloody body when he begs for mercy.

"He's going to hurt someone else if I don't stop him. I'm done getting beat, I did the same with my ex stepfather, and I'm going to do it with Doc." I said surely, but he seemed confused, he didn't know I turned him to stoned. "I killed him, or, I told my mom to anyways, if he ever hurt her again, and she did. She turned him to stone with Medusa's head and I helped her sell his stone body." I explained, and he nodded, and we sat silently, holding each other.

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