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  Camp was normal, I was with my closest friends, and we were training. Life was easier now then it has in a long time, and that's saying something. I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Perseus Jackson, but I go by Percy. I'm something called a demigod, son of a god and mortal. The Greek gods are real, and my father is Poseidon, king of Atlantis, god of the ocean, earthquakes and father of horses. I've never asked to be a demigod, no demigod did, it's scary and gruesome.

  Now, I'm not saying any of this to exaggerate, I'm saying it simply because it is true. I've witnessed many of my friends die in horrible ways that no one should've had to experience. "Hey Percy?" Jason asked me, looking at me curiously, I was obviously not into the spar, casually blocking, not attacking. Jason but his sword away and I did the same. "You alright?" He asked me.

  "Yeah, just feel like I'm forgetting something." I said, rubbing my neck

  "What do you mean?" Annabeth asked, she had just finished her spar with Clarisse, who was trying to get some extra practice in.

  "Is there something big going on today?" I countered, smirking casually, and she looked at me in shock.

  "Something big, hm, let me think," she started sarcastically, smiling at me. "Today is Mr D's last being the camp director, and today someone new is coming." She explained, and I felt stupid, how could I forget?

  "And that's the big thing I forgot." I hummed casually, acting like I wasn't embarrassed. "Does anyone know who this new guy is?" I asked and everyone shook their heads, and I frowned.

  "We're meeting him today, Mr. D is gonna show him around today, Chiron had business to attend to." Clarisse claimed and we nodded, all sharing looks. We all shrugged, heading out of the Arena where we were training, we were heading towards the archery range, today Apollo wanted to see my archery.

  "Hey cuz!" Apollo smiled widely, and I waved casually. "You ready to show me how good you are at archery?" He asked enthusiastically and I gulped, rubbing my neck nervously, letting out a chuckle.

  "Uh, no?" I said hesitantly, and he laughed, my friends sat down a safe distant from me, well, what they hoped was a safe distance.

  "Oh chill cuz, you got this!" Apollo said, handing me a bow and an arrow, and he stood back. I fiddled with the arrow nervously, putting it on the string and drawing it back, aiming at the target.

  Time seemed to fly by, I let the arrow fly, and it hit the target, slightly. The target somehow managed to bounce off, and flew towards a tall, buff looking man, who caught the arrow, looking at me in disgust and shame, like I was a waste of space, and I gulped, rubbing my neck.

  "Alright, I'm out." Apollo said from behind me, flashing away, and the man stared at me. He was tall, and buff, made Mr D look like a child, and he was mean looking.

  "Meet your new camp director, Mr Doc." Mr D said, and I nodded, they approached, and I went to shake Mr Doc's hand, but he just looked unimpressed, so I put my hand down casually.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Percy." I said and he glared sharply.

"I know exactly who you are Perseus." He said and I gulped, taking a small step back. My friends didn't dare approach. "You practice with that bow until you hit the bullseye, I do not care if your fingers start to bleed." He said sharply.

"Why?" I asked in shock, and this is when my friends came up to listen.

"If that arrow had went flying to someone else's face, they would have been dead right about now." He said, and I frowned, he did have a point. "So start practicing, you got a long few hours, Jackson. I'll come check on you in a while." He said, shoving the arrow into my chest, and walked away. Mr D looked shocked, but followed Mr Doc anyways.

"That was, uh, surprising." Piper said, staring after the guy.

"And that's who we're stuck with." I said, and after I said that, Mr Doc turned around and glared heavily at me, which everyone noticed.

"Start practicing Jackson! No rest until you hit the bullseye!" He shouted at me and I frowned.

"Have fun, seaweed brain." Annabeth said, pecking my lips quickly and walked away, along with the others who wished me luck. I put the arrow on the string again and let go of the string when I was ready, missing.

This went on for hours, the arrow started hitting the edge of the target, but that's the only process that's been made so far. My fingers were aching along with my arms and feet. That's it, I need a break, so I walked to the nearest hill and sat down, observing my fingers, my pointer and middle finger had blisters, at some points they were bleeding.

"Hey Percy, you got it yet?" Jason asked, walking up to me.

"Nope." I said, stretching my shoulders a little bit. I was tired and wanted to sleep, I didn't care about the night mares at this point.

"You've been at it for a little more than 4 hours now." He said, and I was surprised.

"This whole thing is stupid." I grumbled, still observing my fingers.

"Perseus!" I heard an angry shout, and I stood up quickly, along with Jason, who looked surprise. "I did not say you could relax!" Mr Doc shouted, and people looked shocked.

"Sir, give Percy a break, it's been over 4 hours." Jason said, and he shot Jason a sharp look, but glared at me.

"His name is Perseus, I do not care what his nick name is, around me, he is addressed as Perseus and Perseus only, got it Jason?" He asked, and Jason shut up. "Perseus, stand in front of the target." Mr Doc ordered.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now