All my fault

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   "It's all my fault." My quiet mumble was heard by everyone, it was so quiet a pin being dropped would be heard. She needs to be set free, the ghost, she needs her freedom, this isn't just about me anymore. Quietly, I crawled over to Leo, moving his hand to look at his head. "I'm sorry." I probably mumbled it a few hundred times, shaking my head while tears fell. My hands held Leo's head, coating his head with blood, it probably scared him, but I'm so scared of myself right now. "I don't want to fulfil this prophecy anymore, I thought I'd feel better." I cried, shaking my head into his shoulder.

   "It's-" he didn't want to say that it's okay, because it's not, and he knows that lying isn't going to help, "go wash up." He couldn't muster anything else, not even a light hearted joke.

   "I shouldn't have pushed you, you were only trying to help, I'm so sorry." Embarrassment and shame took over as I wiped away my tears, this was weak and pathetic. "It's not just me anymore, this body, Mr Doc, it's not a real person anymore, he escaped the fields of punishment by giving his body to evil spirits, and got powers, I don't know how or why, but this thing is going to murder so many innocent people." It was almost like I was pleading, for them to understand. Gabe was knocked unconscious, he fainted from blood loss, but he'll be awake soon.

    "Perseus, please, stand up." Chiron said, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I was shaking, shock was taking over my body, I still couldn't think clearly, but despite how I felt, I stood anyways, relying on Chiron's body to keep standing, and he seemed to notice this. "What's going on, my boy?" He wanted to make sure I was still able to think, he wanted to know exactly what my body and mental state is like. Before I could answer, I saw the ghost lady, standing over Mr Docs fallen body, still clearly breathing, and picked him up. Once everyone saw what I was staring at, they looked over, jaws dropping.

    "It's time to fulfil the prophecy, and kill him once and for all." She said, dragging his body. If anyone had heard what she said, there was no signs of it.

   "No, I can't fulfil the prophecy, the stand was in the prophecy." Everyone looked confused as to who I'm talking to, I didn't care.

    "Follow." She demanded, and I did, and they continued to look surprised, and that's when we all saw it; the stand, covered in my blood from almost a year ago now. She was the one who tied him up, and she looked at me expectingly, and all I could do was gulp. "This is what you've wanted, for almost a year, since you heard that this is how it will it will end. You've now forgiven yourself for not being able to control the uncontrollable." She encouraged, and a whip appeared on the ground, right in front of my feet.

    "I- this isn't-" I stuttered nervously, unable to form words, this isn't who I am, it's not who I need to become. "I don't need to torture him the same way he tortured me." Nobody knew who I was talking to, they didn't know what they were saying either. "I'm not like him, I'm not a killer, I'm not evil." It sounded like I was trying to convince myself rather than anyone else.

   "This is your fate." She said softly, approaching me, picking up the whip and handing it to me gently, and it felt like I had no choice, this is what had been intended, this is what the prophecy has led to. Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to walk up to him and whip him, to take this opportunity that most would think I'd take with no hesitation, but I hesitated.

   "You're weak, Perseus, always have been, and always will me." His body looked so weak and vulnerable, and I know the person inside the body had been a part of my past, but the body he inhibits now is a part of my present, and now it ends. "You're just like your mother!" It silenced the crowd that had formed, what was once full of whispers and mumbles, was now nothing but tense breathing.

   It was ironic actually, outside of the borders, it was rainy weather, but the borders kept it sunny, and bright, the sun was getting closer to setting, but not quite. There seemed to be nothing wrong, on the outside it would look like a normal day at camp half blood, but it's not. My steps were no longer hesitant when I walked towards him, I was angry, and although none of this had gone like I had planned, it feels like how it was meant to happen. Kneeling down to his height, I looked at him sternly, all I could see is the man who had beaten me all throughout my childhood, because I was never enough for him, and nothing will ever be good enough for him.

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