Its over.. alternate

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    Is there another way to free her? I looked up at her, almost pleadingly.  "Please, is there any other way?" I begged her, but she looked angry, which worried me a bit. It appeared that Gabe was able to see the ghost as well, of course he could, she haunted him. My gun still rested on his lose teeth.

    "No! Shoot him now!" She screamed, which instinctively made me cover my ears, it was a glass breaking pitched scream, and it did break some windows, which confused everyone. It occurred to me she wasn't the friendly ghost she had appeared to be when I spoke to her, no, she just wanted her revenge. Nervously, I pointed the gun at him again, I was scared, terrified actually, this was the moment I had thought about so long, but now that's it's finally here, I can't.

"Who hurt you so bad that you felt like hurting others was the best option?" I asked, staring at Gabe, who in turned only stared at the ghost in anger.

"Ha! Nothing happened to me, you and Sally deserved it." Gabe scoffed, and I shoved the gun down his throat, my hand almost touching his lips, he couldn't talk anymore, I was sick of his voice. My
mind kept switching between 'kill him' and 'this isn't like you' and I was confused and frustrated.

"I'd regret killing you for the rest of the time I'm alive, and maybe even into the afterlife, but I know if I don't I'm also going to regret letting you hurt anyone else. I'm hesitating and I don't know why, maybe I'm just scared of watching the bullet going through and watching the blood continue to fall once  your body collapses." The ghost was getting impatient and it was clear as day, "all these months, thinking about it, smiling at the thought and all I can think now is 'should I?' And 'what if?" My finger started squeezing the trigger, and that's when the ghost lady let out another scream, scaring me one more, what scared me more was the sound of the gun firing.

   The ghost lady was gone, and Mr Docs body slumped, and I saw his blood all over the stand and even the grass a few feet away, it was over. But why didn't I feel better? Tears streamed down my face, and I dropped the gun, shaking. My knees gave out under me and I stared at his body in shock. "What did I do." This phrase probably came out of my mouth a half a million times, and by the time I was finally able to force myself to stand up, it was nearing midnight. Nobody came out of their cabins, most were probably sleeping by now or trying to see what I was doing, I didn't care, I'm a monster.

    It was right there, on the ground, I wouldn't have to deal with the guilt if I just pull the trigger, like I did to him. "I didn't mean to pull it, there was another way." By now the tears couldn't come anymore, mentally, I was gone, and I was going to do something stupid. Untying Mr Docs body, I picked him up and brought him to the trees, laying him on the ground once I felt like I was a safe away distance. Once I was far enough, I grabbed my lighter and lit him on fire, watching as the flames built up and burned his body to almost nothing.

   "What did you do?" The voice surprised me and I turned around, seeing all my friends, staring in horror, watching me stand over a dead man's body. Annabeth looked the most surprised, the man she once loved was a murderer.

   "I wasn't planning to, I wanted to find another way to free the ghost, but she- she just wanted her revenge. She wasn't going to have it any other way." Tears started falling once again, I avoided looking at them entirely. I couldn't handle the fact that I'm a monster now, the same person they all used to love, trust and rely on just killed someone. "The gun was in my hands, and I was angry, I shoved the gun into his mouth, but she screamed, and it scared me because it came out of nowhere and- and" I was a stumbling mess, and I don't know if I'm remembering it properly, I'm in shock, I can't believe I killed him.

"Percy, everyone heard the scream and the shot that followed, it's okay." My head didn't register the voice, hardly even the words, and everything went dark.

   When I was able to open my eyes, I was training, with my friends like nothing had happened. None of them looked tired, they looked energized and happy, how did I get here, I froze, and they all seemed to realize this, and stopped their training.

    "Percy? What's wrong, you worried about showing Apollo your archery?" Annabeth teased. Then I remembered, this is the day Mr Doc came, or Gabe or whatever, I don't know what to refer to him as anymore.

    "We're getting a new camp director today, aren't we?" I asked curiously, rubbing my face, and of course, no indication of a scar.

    "Yeah, Mr D is meant to be showing him around at some point today, why?" She asked me worriedly, and I cursed under my breath.

   "Stupid fates." I grumbled angrily, putting away riptide, this is when everyone became curious.

    "What's going on?" Piper asked, and I growled, rubbing my face stressfully. They all got worried and walked up a bit, waiting for me to say anything.

    "I'm not from this time. I got travelled back, I don't know why though." I said, clenching my fists, they noticed my anger.

     "Did anything happen that would have gotten you sent back to this time?" Leo asked me, looking me up and down, he seemed to realize this anger was out of character for me, they all did.

    "Yeah, actually. That new director, I killed him. I tortured and killed him." I said, I still couldn't believe that I pulled the trigger.

    "You, what!" Annabeth asked, in shock. They were all wide eyed, staring at me in shock and confusion.

    "Shot him, but there's a lot more to the story, it wasn't necessarily intentional, there was a ghost lady, but now I got to figure out why I got sent back here." I said, walking out and they all followed me.

   "Hey cuz!" Apollo smiled widely, the same way he did the first time I went through this.

"Yes yes, I am ready to show you how amazing I am at archery." I said sarcastically, grabbing a bow.

"Who shit in your cornflakes?" Apollo asked teasingly.

"The fates." I said bitterly, shooting casually and hitting the bullseye, three times in a row. "They sent me back in time. Something to do with him," I growled, pointing and Mr Doc, which only confused Apollo more.

"There's a different aura about you, now that I'm realizing it." Apollo hummed quietly, noticing glaring at Mr Doc with a arrow ready with my bow. "Yeah, I think you should tell everyone what's going on before you decided to shoot him.

"I'll show you." I said, shooting the edge of the target which bounced towards Mr Doc, who caught it effortlessly and glared at me. "The same way it happened the first time around." I growled, walking up to him and grabbing the arrow out of his hand, shocking Mr D.

"Jackie, this is Mr Doc, he is the new camp director. I suggest being respectful towards him." Mr D said sternly.

"It's Jackson, sir." I glared over, he didn't say anything, just looked shocked before giving Apollo a glance, who nodded. "And I know exactly who you are." I said, looking at Mr Doc, who could read my thoughts, I didn't let him in my mind though, which clearly frustrated him. "I know your intentions as well, I know your plans and who you really are." I said quietly to him, and he seemed shocked.

"What are you on about, boy?" He mused, raising an eyebrow, and I clenched my fists angrily.

"Sure, play dumb, but I know how this story ends." I said, turning away and walked towards my friends, showing him I know how to shoot, and my shooting an arrow to him was intentional.


It's over, or is it?

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن