Loop alternate

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   "Ouch." I opened my eyes, training with my friends. I've now been through this loop hundreds of times, some I'd kill him, others he'd kill me, there wasn't getting rid of him. "Fuck! If I have to do this one more time." I growled, throwing my sword to the ground and storming out. I felt myself losing grip on reality. Riptide appeared in my pocket again, so I uncapped it and came up behind Mr Doc and stabbed him, multiple times, not stopping when Mr D tried to drag me off.

    "What is wrong with you!" He screamed, staring at what I've done, but it wasn't long before I was back in the training arena, with my friends.

    "I can't do this. I can't do thisZ I can't do this!" I screamed, throwing riptide to the ground. Everyone froze. "I've done this day, this summer hundreds of times, I can't get out of this loop! She didn't tell me something, what am I missing!" I growled, pacing.

    "What's going on?" Annabeth said, stopping me.

    "No, none of this is real, none of it. I should be dead, he should be dead, both of us has been killed many times, I can't get out. The fates hate me!" I said, crashing to the ground. My body was shaking beyond my control and I was hyperventilating.

    "Percy!" It was Will, of course someone got him. "What are you feeling right now?" He asked. I shook my head, crying.

     "I'm tired. I'm angry. I feel out of control and crazy." I growled angrily. "I've killed him hundreds of times, he's done the same to me. I've let him beat me hundreds of times since the first time this all happened." I ranted, and Will looked nervous.

    "I need you to calm down. Your ill, Percy, mentally. We need to get you help." He said firmly, grabbing onto my shoulder. I shook him off angrily.

    "I'm not crazy! I've been through this loop hundreds and hundreds of times! Mr Doc, the new director that is coming in today! I'm going to show Apollo my archery, it's going to hit the edge of the target and bounce off and towards him, he's going to catch it, and he's going to hate me. He's going to try to whip some kid tomorrow and I'm going to take his place. My mom and Paul are going to get hit by a drunk guy in a semi truck and my mom is going to go into a coma. Someone is going to kill him and then I'm going to get whipped on a huge stand in front of everyone. The gods bring my up to Olympus after I wake up from my coma and Apollo is going to give me a prophecy about how I whip Mr Doc at the same stand he whipped me on and I'm going to kill him when the ghost that haunts the body screams and scares me. I'm going to burn his body in the forest and beg you guys to forgive me for the monster I turn into. That's what happens in the span of this and next summer." I explained, and they were all confused.

     "Calm down, please. We can go on Olympus and see if the gods can figure it out." Annabeth said, trying to calm me down.  I should have thought of that.

    "I- okay." I sighed, giving in and standing up. There were marks on my body from when I was killed before, and it's tender but nothing to bad. The first stab hurts the most, right in my head. "It probably should have been the thing I did the fourth time rather than stabbing him the second time and letting him stab me the third time." I shrugged as we left camp, walking past Mr Doc, who also had the same marks, but I figured out that nobody but me can see them, Mr Doc has no clue this is all a loop.

    Eventually, we had gotten to Olympus, I was shaky and angry. Maybe one of them are at fault for this, they like to see me suffer. Everyone does, no one ever stops it.

    "So have you tried killing yourself in any of these loops?" Leo asked curiously, nobody shushed him, they were curious.

    "No, I'm not afraid of dying, it's not that, I'm scared that if I kill myself, I'm not going to wake up again. Im scared that me killing myself on a random day would be how people remember me. I mean I don't care how people perceive me but I got so much to apologize for back when I should be. I don't know, it seems like I'm coming up with excuses but I think I'm just avoiding it honestly." I rambled nervously.

    "Soooo which one is it?" Leo asked curiously, I guess I gave a crappy answer.

    "I have to apologize to all of you, especially Annabeth and Leo." I explained; we were almost approaching the doors.

    "Why those two?" Piper asked curiously.

   "I threatened Annabeth, I did apologize to her once but it wasn't good enough. And I hurt Leo, he tried to stop me from killing Mr Doc in the pavilion, because I beat him up severely. I pushed you off and then had a nervous breakdown while I hugged you." I said, talking to Leo for the second part. We walked inside the great big doors that opened up to the throne room of Olympus.

    "Ah, hello. Apollo just went down to come see you, something about archery." Zeus mused, looking at me, but when he saw my tear streaked face, he frowned. He then summoned his bolt and struck it, signalling for a meeting. The gods all flashed in one by one, all looking at me in shock.

    "What's going on, my boy?" Poseidon asked worriedly, and I bit my cheek.

    "Percy, explain." Annabeth said gently.

    "Someone put me me in a time loop and I've had to relive this summer hundreds of times." I started, growling angrily.

    "What's so bad about this summer?" Aphrodite asked curiously, flipping through her beauty magazine.

    "Mr Doc, the new director. I've killed him hundreds of times and he killed me nearly as many, and I keep waking up training. The same day." They all looked nervous, not out of guilt but out of what I've become.

    "Why are you two killing each other?" Apollo asked, looking at Will, who nodded at him, probably to confirm the fact I'm insane.

     "The original time I went through the summer, he was tormenting me, whipping me and beating me up in front of others, then Apollo gave me a prophecy  that I'd beat him up at the stand whipping stand he beat me at, and then I ended up killing him and burning his body then I fainted in the forest." I explained, not as in depth as I did with all my friends but they got the gist.

    "And you're here because you want to know how to get out of this, uh, loop?" Zeus asked, and I nodded.

   "I need to get out. Once I can get out and go back to my time, I can apologize to those I need to apologize to and then kill myself for good." I said determinedly.

    "Why would you kill yourself?" Annabeth asked in shock, and I looked at her.

    "Look at me, I'm so messed up in the head, you already observed that. I'm either dying or you guys are all going to put me in an insane alyssum." I chuckled and shook my head. "Sure, last I checked, we're all still friends but none of you would have viewed me the same, you all would have left probably. Last time my mom saw me, she begged me not to torture a man who had abused her for years." They looked shocked.

    "What can we do?" Hermes looked over at Zeus, who looked at Athena, who was deep in thought.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now