Calm before storm

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  First place I went to was the infirmary, my torso needed to be wrapped if I wanted to put a shirt on. Everything seemed fine, people's heads were lowered, people were talking quietly while heading towards wherever they were going, and Mr Doc was no where is sight. Dark and angry thoughts swarmed my mind, I hated Mr Doc, I hated my past, I hated my present, I resent my friends, and I resent myself. Bitterness was the only emotion I was capable of showing, and I was alright with that, for the first time in my life, I was fine with being angry, I was fine with feeling what I wanted to feel. I'm sick and tired of controlling my emotions for the better of everyone else!

"Percy, what's wrong?" Will asked me as I quickly walked into the infirmary, he must've seen the look on my face. Trying my best, I tried to look neutral, nobody needed to know what's going through my mind, nobody needs to notice my resentment. Without Will, I would have been dead, and I'm thankful for him.

"Nothing, just distracted. Can you wrap me up?" I asked and he nodded, quickly grabbing some things to clean the wounds before putting on gauze.

"After though I need to check your weight, how easy you were to carry was concerning." Will informed and I nodded casually. I couldn't have been that light, sure I went a while without eating, but I couldn't have dropped that much weight. Getting my body wrapped up was pretty quick, Will had cleaned it and everything, said it was better than before my coma, and then continued to get things ready. "Okay, come here." Will ordered and I stood up, slightly getting dizzy, but continued anyways, and stood on the weight scale casually.

"And?" I asked casually, and he didn't speak, continued to jot down notes and measure my height, which was a thing connected to the weight scale. The way he walked off confused me, the scale said 127.3 but I was sure what that meant, is that not good?

"When was the last time you weighed yourself?" He asked me calmly, but his shaky fingers were enough to tell me he was worried.

"Uh, probably not since I was a kid, probably last checked when I was 11." I shrugged casually.

"127 pounds is quite underweight, and not healthy. Do you know why your so underweight?" Will asked me, sitting down in a chair and I sat down on a medical bed, and shrugged.

"I've always been underweight." I shrugged.

"Because of your old living arrangements as a kid?" He asked, and I felt my heart sink to the bottom of the ocean, where the density was to high and I felt like my heart would break under pressure. Somebody was going to confront me about it, and I knew it since it happened, I just didn't expect it from Will. The only thing I wanted was for it to wait.

"Yeah." I gulped nervously. "I didn't get much for food back then, but the boarding schools helped a bit." I shrugged, looking at my lap. "Not for long though, uh, I was depressed, I thought I didn't deserve food, to have a food stomach while others starved." I frowned,

"Were you starving yourself?" Will asked me worriedly and I shrugged.

"Yeah, for a while, until I just wasn't hungry. My stomach stopped growling and begging for food, sure, I was weak, but I was fine with that, until I came to camp. My problems were mine and nobody else's, so I hate, I almost always ended up puking whenever I was alone, but I got better." I nodded and he did as well.

"Then why are you so underweight now?" He asked me and I rubbed my neck.

"That week I hid in my cabin, after Mr Doc announced my problems to everyone and I got my concussion. Food wasn't appealing to me, and I was worried sick about my mom who was in a coma. And then that mini coma I went into probably didn't help either." I shrugged and he nodded

"Well go eat, that weight needs to come back or you can get sick." Will ordered, and I left the infirmary. My thoughts finally calmed down, and just in time, Annabeth walked towards me with a certain look on her face. Determination? Unsureness? Hesitant?

"Hey, Wise girl." I smiled, and she smiled back.

"Hey seaweed brain, what happened? Chiron took you off somewhere?" She asked me curiously, and I nodded.

"Olympus, gods needed to talk to me." I said briefly, and she understood that I didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't pry.

"Did Will finally check your weight?" She continued to ask and I nodded simply.

"127 pounds." Her look showed me how surprised she was. "Wise girl, I've almost always been underweight, this is just an on going problem for me." I said reassuringly, and she sighed.

"There's actually something we need to talk about, seaweed brain." She said and I looked at her curiously, but one look at her face, I knew exactly what she was going to say. I felt my heart sink all the way to Tartarus.

   "It's alright, I know what your going to say." I sighed, looking at my feet. "I understand completely, I'm not who I was." I smiled at her, but it wasn't a meaningful one, or one of happiness, but one of understanding even though it hurt.

   "I'm glad you understand, we can be friends, right?" She asked me, and I smiled, nodding.

  "Of course." I smiled and she did to, she hugged me quickly before walking off, like a weight was off her chest. I was happy for her, she must have wanted to break up since I started to change. Anger and frustration came easier to me than before, and I wasn't surprised or worried about it anymore. Nobody seems to really understand, this all feels like déjà vu, like when I was a kid. Surrounding by adults who acted like they knew what I was going through.

   I remained in the same spot for a few minutes, thinking to myself before finally deciding, I need a break from camp.

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