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Mr Doc did come the first day of spring, like he had said, and I've been trying to figure out if he could read my thoughts or not, or anyways for that matter. Most people were coming back for the summer, and they all saw the tension between Mr Doc and I. Most of my friends already returned, and they gave me looks a lot, but if Mr Doc noticed, he didn't show any signs of it. Maybe he's just putting up a front, so I don't know if he can read minds or not, he's playing games with me, and it's a bit frustrating. After that conversation with Nico, I have been reconsidering, but I know if I don't stop him now he'll harass other people, and I can't let that happen.

   I've been thinking about that voice, that I heard when I first ran away, the one that warned me to run right before the Minotaur almost got me. It's voice lingers in my mind, it finally processed as a feminine voice, not young but not old, but I can't figure out if it were a sea creature or something else, it seemed different, desperate almost. The only reason I've been thinking about this voice was because I heard it again, she warned me that Mr Doc was coming towards my cabin when he first came back and that he had bad intentions, and I was able to escape, I found out that he was planning on killing me. I decided that I was going to try to talk to her, tonight, once everyone is in bed and there's no chance of me getting caught.

The day flew by, and I was feeling nervous about talking to this voice, but I needed to know because there's something connecting the voice and Mr Doc, because I never heard this voice before him. Maybe I could get some answers? I could finally get some closure. "Perseus!" I heard a shout, and I saw Mr Doc, and I bit my cheek. They last spring while almost no one was here, it was worse than ever because Chiron had to leave for the spring, off to teach Greek mythology at a school because there was thought to be a powerful demigod. Anyways, he came up to me and I stood still, gulping nervously, he hadn't taken lightly to me fighting back.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, and I saw Leo, and he glanced over nervously, they were all worried that they wouldn't be able to contain their thoughts and that I could get killed if he finds out. I kept my mind clear, making eye contact with Leo, smiling softly at him, and he visibly relaxed, he thought if I can handle it so well, he could as well.

"Whatever you are planning, don't!" He growled viciously, and I gulped. He can read minds, Leo saw my expression and scurried away quickly.

"And what would that be, sir?" I asked, looking up at him, giving a clueless look.

"I may not have my ability, but I can tell you are planning something, and I will not tolerate it. So whatever you are thinking of, don't." Mr Doc snarled, grabbing my hair aggressively and forcing me to look at him the moment I tried looking away. "Do you understand?" He growled venomously, and I nodded, flinching. Doc tossed me to the ground and spat on me, directly on my face, and I recoiled with disgust. He's never spat on me. He walked away and I sat on the ground, wiping the spit off of my cheek.

"Percy, are you okay?" Leo asked and I nodded, wiping off Mr Docs spit off of my hand. He looked like he didn't believe me. "What's going through your mind?" He continued to ask, and I sighed.

"He's never spat on me, he's done so much worse but spit on me, just reminds me of someone." I bit my cheek, and he seemed to know who I was talking about. "He knows I'm planning something, but he doesn't know what so I don't think he has his mind reading ability back, which relieves me. Annabeth shouldn't have told you guys, this puts you all in danger." I growled in frustration.

"I know, Perce, but to late to do anything about it. He can probably only read someone's thoughts if he's focussed on them, right?" He questioned, and he had a point, Mr Doc wouldn't be able to understand everyone's thoughts if he heard them all, there would be to many at once!

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